Chapter 2

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It was around noon when we all got into the car. Salem and Athena took the front seats of the car while I sat in the back seat between my brother and Gabriel. Currently I was leaning against Gabriel, snuggled into his side trying to sleep but I couldn’t. I just had so many questions. Everyone in this car was a werewolf and I was slowly becoming one like them but I was clueless on what werewolves were like. I mean I’m sure they are different from the werewolves who have been explained in the books I have read or the movies I have seen.

“Salem, you said Jes found her mate and that she knows what we are now?” Gabriel asked softly as he put an arm around me, rubbing my back.

“Yeah, I thought you would have found out sooner because it was before the wedding and she was with Athena’s brother most of the time. That was about four months ago now.” Salem answered with a sigh as he drove on to the highway. “Honestly Gabe I think she never told you because you are so much like dad. And what would he do if one of his little girls got a boyfriend?” A small chuckled came from Salem. “Gabe she loves you so much and she respects your opinion so when she got a mate I think she was expecting you to do more than just threaten him like I did. You have always been the one out of the two of us who actually act like dad did when he was alive.”

Gabriel sighed. “I just want the best for our sisters, and with Jessie being adopted and a human, I honestly tried to shelter her from our lives. I mean look at where we are at now. She shouldn’t have to know our father was killed just because he was the Alpha of one of the best and strongest packs in Maine, possibly the whole United States, but I guess now that she knows we need to explain to her what’s been going on in these past three years.”

“I’ll be right by your side, bro.” Salem said softly. “But hey, don’t you think you should start off explaining all this shit to Blake. Jessie had her mate to explain stuff before she even found out they were mates so Jessie is fine for a while, while you explain all this to Blake. I’m sure she’s feeling scared right now and unsure of it all. She needs someone to help her through all this shit. Cause look at it this way the last person who has been through what she is going through right now is mom. You know she was human before she had us kids, but dad changed her this way when they were around her age so Gabriel she will survive but mom didn’t make it without dad’s help.”

Another sigh from Gabriel.

“You’re right.” He whispered. “But where the hell would I start? I mean look at everything. I have to explain what a Silverblood and a Blackblood is to her. I have to explain to her that we get hunted down by people who hate us. And that the people who kill us…well one of them so happened her parents, our father, and Athena’s father. I would also have to explain-”

“We get it Gabriel; you have a lot to explain.” Salem said softly. “But honestly I think that you should start off with the mate thing.”

“Oh and what I should just say…”He trailed off as I stirred slightly. “Never mind.”

I looked up at Gabriel.

“Where are we?” I whispered.

“Crossing the bridge into New Hampshire.” He whispered back to me.

“So we aren’t staying in Maine?” I questioned.

“We’re getting as far away from here as we can baby girl.” He said leaning down to kiss my forehead.

I closed my eyes for a moment.

“Hey man can I have one?” I heard Gabriel ask followed by the sound of him catching something along a small click then all of a sudden Athena growled. “Salem Bane I am so not kissing you what so ever tonight.”

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