Chapter 6

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The rest of the day was full of depression and full of planning. Gabriel and his brother, along with Logan and Matthew, and some guy named Derek made a plan on how they were going to find Paul and stop him, to get Gabriel’s daughter and to win this war. I currently sat down at the table with the girls, meaning it was Gabriel’s sisters Leven, who held AJ, and Jessie, Leven’s sister in law, Andria, and Salem’s wife, Athena, who held Lee. We were all giggling and laughing with each other having a fun time as I got to know the girls and then that was when everything suddenly went serious.

“So Blake, did you and Gabriel use protection last night?” Athena asked seriously as she looked over at me with these worry filled eyes.

I thought back to last night, remembering the fun night Gabriel and I had had, there was no protection evolved we were just having too much fun, to worry about using protection.

“No.” I whispered looking down feeling somewhat ashamed now. How could we not have stopped to use a stupid condom?

“Well don’t you think you should try having a pregnancy test?” It was Leven who asked this one. “I mean if you are pregnant then you will wanna know right away.”

I looked up.

“I’m scared.” I whispered.

“Oh don’t be we’ll take you to go get one and we will be by your side when you find out. Leven and I have already been through this, yeah it was scary at first but we love our kids.” Athena said. “So come on lets go.”

“What about the babies?” Leven asked.

“Oh Salem needs to watch his little girl, so I’m leaving Lee with him, and Gabriel will need the practice if Blake turns up pregnant.”

“Okay then, let’s go.” She said as we all stood to walk out back where the guys all stood.

I went over to Gabriel who smiled when he saw me. He wrapped his arms around me kissing my gently on the forehead as Athena handed Lee over to Salem. Leven then came over to Gabriel as I pulled away and she handed AJ to him. I then went over to my brother, hugging him as he whispered to me. “Be safe my little girl, I already know you girls are leaving.”

I smiled at him whispering back. “Don’t worry about me, I’m not a little girl anymore.”

“You always will be to me, you should know that by now.” He chuckled.

“We are having a girls day out so you guys need to watch the kids for us.” Leven was telling Gabriel with an innocent smile.

“Okay.” Gabriel said. “Go have fun. And girls please do be careful, all of you.” But he was mostly looking at me as I pulled away from my brother when he spoke. “Love you, Blake.”

“Love you, too, Gabriel.” And at that we all nodded to Gabriel’s earlier request before going off to the mall. We all piled into car and headed off but after about twenty minutes of driving though something went totally wrong. Something hit the tire of the car causing us to swerve a little before having to pull over on the side of the road to check what was wrong but when we all got out to see what it was it was too late, something went over my mouth to keep me from screaming for help as I was pulled away from the girls. I tried to scream and fight my way free but it was no use I was soon out cold because of a cloth that was placed over my mouth.


I awoke in a small room with nothing but the sound of people yelling at each other. I was sore and I was sleepy still. I sat up looking around the darkened room and that’s when I heard someone come into the room sighing heavily. As a bed side lamp came on I saw a somewhat familiar face begin to show in my adjusting vision. It was the guy that had stood in the window Gabriel had jumped out of the other day. It was the guy Paul. I took a sharp intake of breath as he turned to face me smiling weakly.

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