Chapter 5

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“B-B-Blake?” My brother whispered softly turning me to face him suddenly, he then looked over at Salem yelling. “Salem get Gabriel now!! I mean it!! Now!!! I overheard your conversation in the car today, get him!!”

“Gabriel!” Salem said as he ran toward the way Gabriel had disappeared in.

“Logan what’s going on?” I whispered as panic filled me. I wasn’t sure what was going on but the look on his face was beginning to scare me. Everyone’s look was beginning to scare me. “Why is everyone freaking out?” And that’s when I went to wipe away my tears my hand came away black, a piercing scream left my mouth just then.

“Calm down.” My brother hushed me as my knees gave way and I sank to the ground with him guiding me down, holding me tightly in his arms.

A piercing growl erupted throughout the air, my brother moved away from me suddenly as Gabriel took his place holding me, his body shaking as he breathed heavily into my hair. He then pulled away from me gasping, he touched my cheeks wiping away the tears, his hand also coming away black. He looked terrified and then…then a grin formed on his lips. He looked up at Salem and Athena with a odd look, his face twisting with so many different emotions.

“Is this possible? The book said she should be a werewolf.” He whispered. “And when it said that I didn’t think Blake would count because she wasn’t born one of us.” He looked down at me. “Blake, you’re the Blackblood female. Blake….I love you so much.”

I gasped as he looked me over, he then took my face in his hands and kissed me gently. He, too, was now crying with me but we were now both crying out of the happiness we felt. I was the Blackblood female, meaning that he wouldn’t have to choose between me or her because I am she. This was unbelievable.

“I love you, Blake.” He whispered again.

I looked into his eyes.

“I love you, too, Gabriel.” I whispered as I curled up into his lap closing my eyes.


I awoke sometime during the middle of the night with, Gabriel gone, out of the bed, his side cold so I was guessing he had been gone a while. I sat up just as I caught movement from the balcony that was connected to the room. I sat up slowly, as my sight adjusted to the darkened room. Because of the moon’s brightness, I saw that it was a shirtless Gabriel leaning on the railing of the balcony, the door open letting in a cool breeze. He seemed to be on the phone with someone. But who?

“Hey sweetie.” He whispered softly. “How have you been, daddy misses you.” Daddy? He had a kid? “I know, Kiddo, I’m trying everything I can, so I can see you.” He said softly. “I miss you, too.” My heart was breaking for him this sounded so sad. Why couldn’t he see her? “Bye baby, I love you.” His voice then went from sweet to a growl. “Paul I swear if you hurt my daughter I will kill you!!!!” Paul had his little girl? “Please don’t hurt her Paul, I will do anything. I will give or do anything to have her with me. Please.” And at that Gabriel threw the phone to the ground growling. “Dammit!”

I slowly got out of the bed walking toward him. once I reached him I slipped my arms around him tightly, kissing his back as I gently whispering. “Gabriel how come you haven’t told me about your daughter?”

“Because no one knows about her. No one knows that she was taken and her mother killed. It was about five years ago now, that was the whole reason I stopped being a man whore, this past year.” He chuckled bitterly “Cause that was when Paul told me he had her and that he killed her mother. She was my reason and that’s when I spent most of my life looking for my little girl.”

“What’s her name?” I asked.

“Tessa Mackenzie Bane.” He told me pulling me away from his back and into his arms me. “She’s twelve and a spitting image of me.” Gabriel shook his head. “I swore to tell know one this because even though she was mine I knew everyone would look at me differently. And that my own family would hate me. But I don’t think that anymore but I still haven’t even told them about her. I know I need to because I know that they could help me get her back better than I can by myself.”

The Life: Drinking from a wolf's paw print (book 3)Where stories live. Discover now