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~9 years later~

Tessa’s P.O.V.

I leaned against a thickly rounded tree, I was wearing one of my resent sets of werewolf armor which for girls it was just short shorts and a sports bra kinda top thing. The material was a grey green cargo pant kinda material. My top zipped up in the front with a medium sized circle for the zipper. My shorts of course were short, barley covering the pocket, and they came with a brown red belt that I just let hang loosely on me. I was in a pair of combat boots that had been made to match my outfit, as well. I sighed getting comfortable or as comfortable as I could get, my left thigh along with my left wrist, were bandaged tightly. I felt those bandages along with the little golden two ringed bracelets that sat high up on either side of my arms. I had been training like this and so it felt nice to just get away from it all.

I was partly asleep when I heard yelling from not so far off in the distance. Who the hell was in my woods? I stood angrily flinching as pain shot through my wounded leg. I then slowly began to limp toward the yelling and once there I saw two men, no younger than twenty, yelling at each other. They looked to be identical twins although one had his entire right face down to his shoulder, tattooed as a spider web. He was the one doing the yelling but he was also pacing back and forth, the other guy nodding to whatever the other was yelling at him.

“Yes. Yes! YES! I know this Declan!” The one that wasn’t packing back and forth, said before he added. “I know.”

“Jason it’s just…” The one pacing, Declan, trailed off at the sudden sound of my father’s voice calling. “Theresa Johnson get your butt home now before your late for training!”

I groaned inwardly, clearly my father knew nothing of my training session this morning, and when I thought that was when the guy’s pacing stopped to look around. I froze there getting a better look at him, he was beautiful and his eyes looked as if they were the eyes of a Blackblood.

“Who’s out there?” He called.

I hesitated, he could be human. out

“Look I know you’re out there, I can smell you but don’t worry we’re wolves, too.” He called and this time I limped out from behind the tree I had been hiding behind.

“I’m sorry.” I whispered. “I heard yelling and got curious.”

“Curiosity killed the cat.” The guy said.

“And satisfaction brought him back.” I said with a small smile, I then shook my head, making my face go serious. “So, um, sorry and I must get going, I’m late.”

“So I take it that was you being called for?” The guy said.

“Depends on who’s asking.” I said.

“My name’s Declan Hale, this idiot behind me, my twin Jason.” He answered.

“I’m Tessa, well as you heard Theresa but I prefer Tessa and I truly hate it when my father uses my full name.” I found myself blabbing so I clamped a hand over my mouth before managing to say the words. “I gotta go.”

But when I moved to go, I collapsed cussing under my breath. It was my damn leg and so when I turned over so I could sit up I saw that the cloth bandage was soaked with my black blood. Declan kneeled down next to me unwrapping the bandage.

“What happened?” He asked casually like this was an everyday occurrence for him.

“Stabbed myself in the leg with a silver knife.” I told him. “Accident really, cause I was in training earlier today and when I brought back the blade…the way I was standing was incorrect so when I brought back the blade I got my leg.”

Declan touched my wound applying pressure as his brother ripped a long strip from his shirt handing it over to Declan who took it, wrapping it around my let, tying it tightly. He then stood helping me up to my feet.

“It’s nice to know that Cassidy and I aren’t the only ones.” He said looking down at me.

“What do you  mean?” I asked with confusion.

“The black blood.” He said.

“Blackbloods are rare so yeah there will be a few not like the other regular werewolves and that’s us.” I said with a smile. “Well thank you but I should really get going now before my father freaks.”

Declan gave me a cocky smile.

“Hope we see ya around, daddy’s girl.” He chuckled as I disappeared into the set of woods that surrounded the small meadow we stood in.

I began to run and the next thing I knew, I was running into my back yard. My father stood there with crossed arms, a smile on his face.

“What?” I asked as my step mother who I thought as my real mother came out with a very hyper little brother or mine.

Nine year old, Liam ran to me laughing. “Grandpa’s coming.”

I smiled.

“He’ll be here tomorrow morning.” My mother, Blake, said with a smile.

“Okay.” I sighed.

“Tessie what happened to your leg?” Liam asked, Blake and my father looking to see what he was saying and once they saw they looked at me giving me this look.

“Training early.” I said. “Wasn’t standing the right way and got my leg, no biggy.”

“And your wrist?” Blake asked and as my father looked at me she added. “Twisting the knife in your hand again, Tessa?”

I nodded.

“Please do be careful baby girl.” My father said before he came over to hug me. “I love you, we all love you.”

I smiled weakly knowing why he was saying this, not just as a casual thing though.


That night I went back to where I first met Declan and Jason. I had a book with me in my hands as I walked. I wore a hoodie now along with my jeans, I had changed out of my armor and so now I just wanted to read alone in these peaceful woods, but I couldn’t now because as soon as I walked into the small meadow, I saw Declan. He looked up suddenly and that’s when I saw that the spider web that was on his face earlier today was gone, it was a fake.

Declan then gave me a cocky smile.

“Hey daddy’s girl.” He chuckled.

I growled.

“Hi.” I said bitterly.

And that was when I noticed that he was like me…goth…in a way. He wore black everything. Black converse. Black jeans. Black shirt that was covered by a black leather jacket. He even wore a black chain necklace around his neck. Although he was goth there was no makeup that most of the goth guys, I knew wore. As I checked him out I noticed his eyes checking me out doing the same thing.

“I was hoping I’d see ya around here daddy’s girl.” He said making me give him a bitter smile.

“Well this is my woods.” I grinned.

“Okay, then.” Declan said.


“So do you know a lot ‘bout the history of us werewolves?” He asked suddenly.

I was confused by this question but slowly nodded as I gained an understanding but I was still confused on one part. Why did he wanna know that?

“Why?” I asked softly.

He looked up and away from me, his face pale in the light of the setting sun, it made him quite handsome, really. I then watched as he sucked in a deep breath.

“My brother and I need to learn what has happened over the entire existence of werewolves all the way up to now.” He said. “But I cannot say why we wish to know because that is quite personal.”

“Okay.” I said. “Well, um sure I can tell you as much as I know.”

The Life: Drinking from a wolf's paw print (book 3)Where stories live. Discover now