Chapter five

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Gannondorf's POV

I handed him wine to drink his nerves away since I saw him upset. I mean, come on now, I'm not that bad. I have a heart, it's just that I don't show it much...

I accidentally gave him too much wine that he started kissing me. To be honest, I wasn't expecting that to happen... but it did. During our kiss, he fainted. I carried him over my shoulder and told my henchmen, "You saw nothing..." They nodded in agreement. I'm pretty embarrassed to have the boy kiss me where everyone can see. If he wanted to kiss me, we could've went somewhere private. But enough of that.

I place the boy under a tree so he wouldn't get burnt since it was hot and bright outside and he was wearing revealing clothing and I'm trying figure who gave those clothes to him... It sure as hell wasn't me. Probably one of my henchmen.

My henchmen and I spotted a village. I may be rich, but as a villain, I don't use my handfuls of rupees to buy stuff. Instead, I steal stuff and murder witnesses because buying stuff is more of a goody-two-shoes thing.

Link's POV

Where'd everybody go? Where am I and how did I get here? I don't get it... I was in the kitchen, but now I'm outside under a tree. I heard screaming nearby, "They must be in that village!" I stated. I ran to the village.

On my way there, I tripped over my heel and feel front-faced to the ground. I got up and continued running.

I wasn't used to running in high heels. I stopped to see a village filled with damaged buildings and corpses lying on the floor. "Oh, GROSS! If they're going to kill people, then they should dispose the corpses right after they kill them instead of leaving them out in the open..." I said.

A big bag appeared out of nowhere and hit me on my face so hard that I fell to the ground. "OW! FUCK THAT HURT!" I yelped. "You were supposed to catch that!" said Zant. "You threw this bag on PURPOSE?!?!?" I yelled. "Not really, I meant for you to catch that." he replied. "You shameless bastard! You could've at least gave me a heads up!" I said. "I don't do heads up, that's not my specialty..." he said. I growled.

I saw Gannondorf and my other enemys running towards the entrance of the village, covered in blood. "Come on let's go!" said Hilda. She grabbed me by my hand and I grabbed the bag with my free hand.

All of the sudden, the village exploded. Now I see why they hurried out of the village so quickly. Now we're walking. Who planted bombs in the village is what I'm trying to figure out...

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