Chapter nine

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Narrator's POV

"DARK LINK!!! CIA!!! WHAT THE HELL'S GOING ON HERE?!?!?" yelled Gannondorf. Dark Link and Cia turned around to see a furious Gannondorf behind them.

"How'd you know my deepest secrets?" asked Dark Zelda. "Heh, I should be a Psychic..." suggested Hilda. "Please, don't..." said Dark Zelda.

"Dark Link was flirting with Link, I told him to let go of him, but he refused, so I had to smack some sense into him." Cia answered, fearlessly. "Which caused my face to be ruined, you BITCH!" yelled Dark Link.

"Well, I'm glad she knocked some sense into you, Dark!" Link said. Cia blushed a little. "Dafuq you mean you're glad that Cia knocked some sense into me?!?!?" asked Dark Link, angrily. "I didn't want you because you weren't my type and I wanted you to stop..." said Link.

Dark Link was infuriated by what Link said. He felt heartbroken and pissed off at the same time. "For your off-the-wall behavior, you two will be in the hall doing a painful pose on your knees while holding on to spike balls." said Gannondorf.

Cia nodded in shame and walked away. "C'mon Dark Link. Get over your tantrum and let's go." Dark Link glared at Link. "What was the use of wearing those slutty clothes if you're not going to me no ass, you fuckin' SLUT?!?!?"

Dark Link snapped his fingers and disappears. All you can see was a black fog slithering away. Link regretted making Dark Link upset, but his heart belonged to someone else...

Gannondorf sat next to him and asked, "Tough day, wasn't it?" "Yeah, I'm still getting used to this whole villain thing..." replied Link. "Weeell, there's a dark orb near the alleyway of the evil realm... Legends say that thou must head there only at nighttime." said Gannondorf.

"What does it do?" asked Link. "I dunno, I've never used it before, but I've heard of it before... I think it has the power to change your future or something..." said Gannondorf. "But I'll let go by yourself just this once..."

Link hugs Gannondorf. "Thank you, Gan-Gan!" said Link, happily. "You're welcome, Link... I must warn you, though... If you think about escaping, I will make you regret it..." warned Gannondorf.

Link gives his lover a short kiss on the lips. "You mustn't worry about that. I love you and there's nothing that get me from betraying you... I'll be fine..." Gannondorf blushed. "Okay, okay. It getting dark, so now's the best time to go..." he suggested.

Link nodded. "I will try not to take long..." Link rushes out the castle.

Link's POV

'We should escape. This isn't safe here... Besides, princess Zelda is your true destiny after all... NO! I don't belong to her anymore! I belong to Gannondorf now...' I thought to himself.

I overheard branches snapping. I turned around to see who it was, but no avail... "W-Who's there? Show yourself!" I yelled. The Hyrulean soldiers charged at me. Some of them grabbed me.

"He-Hey! Let me go!" I struggled. One of the soldiers said, "Link, the princess has sent us here to get you. You'll be out of here in no time!" I screamed. "Someone, help!" I screamed again.

Dark Link's POV

I heard a scream from outside. "What the hell was that?" I asked, curiously. "That sounds like Linkie-poo..." replied Cia. 'I sense Link's aura outside...' I thought to myself. I looked at the window to see Link struggling to break free from some type of strangers that appeared to be Hyrulean soldiers.

But I gotta admit though, Link knows how to wiggle dat ass... He doesn't look like that he's doing well, I gotta save him! Maybe he'll reward me with his ass if I save him... I turned to Cia and ordered, "Cia! Cover for me! I'm going to save Link."

Cia did a short nod. I put down the spike ball and snapped my fingers to warp out of the castle.

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