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I woke up the next morning in my bed, the sun nearly blinding me as I stared at the ceiling. I seriously needed to get curtains for my room.

I sat up and climbed out of bed, did my morning routine, and climbed down the ladder to see a still sleepy Stampy sitting on his bed, sitting up with his eyes closed. I walked over and slightly tapped his shoulder, and he fell over and off the bed. I bit back a chuckle as he sat up from the floor and glared at me sleepily. "Lee, what was that for?" "You were about to fall asleep while sitting up. You would've fallen off anyways."

He frowned, but stood up and stretched his arms above his head. "You got breakfast Lee?" I nodded, and pulled a cake from my inventory and placed it in front of him, causing Stampy's spirits to sky rocket in seconds. "Thank you Lee." He ate three quarters of it, and I snatched the rest as he walked off to the balcony. "So Lee, what should we do today? Still no recording today, so throw something out there." I thought a moment, and smiled when I thought of something good. "A party, in the clubhouse. We haven't had a good party in a while, and we haven't used the clubhouse in forever."

Stampy grinned after thinking it over a moment. "That sounds awesome. Should we do casual or fancy? What snacks should we have? Who should we invite? Should we decorate? Will-" "Woah, Stampy, you're rushing a bit. We have all day, don't worry. And we've never had a fancy party, it'd be a nice attempt. If it's fun, we can do it again. And by fancy, I mean, like, rich people fancy. We'd still be joking around and having fun, but it'd be dressing up a bit fancier for it."

He stared off into his world for a moment before turning to me and nodding. "That sounds awesome, Lee! So, by dressing up, you mean suits for the boys and dresses for the girls?" I nodded, and he chuckled. "This is going to be the best party in my Lovely World! Thanks to you, Lee. I'm putting you and Amy in charge, as you two work together and will create a good party!" He ran off the balcony to tell everyone, and I banged my head on the fence.

Great. I had to work with my crush on a party, that she would go to and look amazing at. I knew I wouldn't be able to contain myself at that party; I'd slip up and say something stupid, and she'd laugh at me. I ran to my room and went into my chest and found a spare blank book inside. I grabbed a pen from the chest as well and sat on my bed. 'This is not a diary,' I thought to myself as I began to write in it.

'Dear Book,

I'm here to get something off my chest. I've kept this secret for way too long, and I can't keep it in anymore. I'm sick of faking a smile and faking happiness when I don't have what I want. What do I want exactly? Amy Lee 33.

Horribly, terribly, desperately, I want Amy. No, I need Amy. She's the definition of perfect, an angel disguised as a mermaid with pink hair. Her laugh, her tail, her voice, her eyes, her everything, makes her, well, her. I'm truly smitten by her beauty, her outlook on life. And her love for Lovely Jubbley Love Love Petals.

She's the reason I'm happy.

She's the reason I keep building.

She's the reason I'm still in this world.

She's the reason I'm alive.

I'm glad I finally got that off my chest, so I truly hope no one finds this book.

Sincerely, L for Leeeeee x.'

I hid the book under my pillow and placed the pen back. I knew someone would find it eventually, but I knew I had to get that off my chest. And I felt like I accomplished that. I climbed out of my room to see that Amy and Stampy were already standing in his room, talking and smiling. I grew jealous, but I faked a smile anyways. "Hey guys."

Stampy grinned at me. "Hello Lee! I just told -Amy about the party, and she's agreed to help you!" "I sure did! I'm so excited for the party! Great idea Lee!" I fought back a blush as she grabbed my paw and dragged me to the clubhouse. It didn't look at all ready for a party, and I knew Amy and I could get it done in time. "Where should we start?" I asked, staring around the room flustered.

She giggled. "Easy. We stock up food, get the entertainment ready, and decorate the place in fancy, yet fun, decorations. Have you ever decorated before Lee?" I shook my head. "Never. Not once. Only time I've decorated is when I built houses and try and make them not bare." She smirked. "Let's get started then!" So, we started to collect food, from cakes to drinks (including the ones with side effects) to chicken to beef. We put it all in the fridge, and then we got the entertainment ready. (ok guys, in this story there are records that have people like One Direction, 5SOS, Tim McGraw if you want country, Lil' Wayne, and several others. it's pretty much like real life only blocks. that goes with food, drinks, and available outfits, such as different dresses that aren't attached to you're legs. keep reading)

After that, we started to decorate the place. A table for the food, a dance floor, fancy lighting (which took a lot of redstone), and everything else that could be in a fancy party. It took a total of three hours to do all that, and Amy and I were exhausted beyond belief. "It looks great Lee!" she squealed, sipping her bottle of water.

I chuckled. "I guess it does look great. 'Cause I built it." She rolled her eyes. "But I helped." "Yea yea, you sat on the sidelines and cheered me on while sipping a strawberry cocktail." She gasped, and hit my shoulder. "I did not! I drank blueberry." We both erupted into fits of laughter, grabbing our sides and falling off our chairs. After we stopped laughing (which took a long time), we just lied on the floor next to each other, staring up at the ceiling.

"I'm having fun, and the party hasn't even started!" Amy squealed, staring at me with a grin. "Me too. I had fun decorating, surprisingly." She giggled. "I'm glad you did. Well, I might as well get going. I have to get ready for the party! See ya there Lee!" She shot up from the ground and ran out the clubhouse, leaving me alone on the ground. I sat up and sighed happily.

This was going to be the best party ever.


After showering, washing my face, brushing my teeth, and slipping on a black suit with a matching tie, I was ready for this party. I walked down the ladder to see Squid helping Stampy with his tie. "Oh hey Leematoad! Looking snazzy!" Squid commented as he finished off Stampy's tie. "Thanks. You too." He grinned, and stared outside at the dark night. "So. Who's got a date? Rosie and Amy convinced me to take Salem with me." (pretend she's not married, ok?)

"Really? That's great mate. Wait, don't you like her?" Stampy asked, hopelessly confused. "Yes I like her! Catch up Stamps. So does anyone else have one?" "Rosie and Amy also told me to take Sqaishey, so I am," Stampy answered, a blush creeping up his cheeks. Then it dawned on me. "You like Sqaishey!" He hissed at me, shushing me. "It's a tiny crush, but yes, I like Sqaishey. She's cute, funny, what not to like?" "What about you Lee? You taking anyone?"

I shook my head. "Nope." Squid chuckled. "So Leematoad's a loner tonight. That shocks me." I frowned. "Why?" "Well, because, you're funny, smart, a good builder, an excellent fighter, and... you're not ugly." I felt my cheeks grow hot at the last part. "Yea right." "Squid's right. You really should have a date," Stampy said, totally ruining my 'happy to be alone' façade. I felt my ears flatten, and I stepped outside on the balcony, staring out at the cold and dark night.

I heard Squid and Stampy walking behind me, and I sighed. "I wanted a date guys. I just... didn't get asked, and I didn't ask anyone. End of story." Squid sighed. "Ask one of the single ladies to dance. I think Rosie's going with Longbow, and Amy... she never said anything about a date. Ask her," Squid said, patting my back. I smiled. "I might. If I get the guts." "Lee, she'll say yes. Now come on, the party's about to start."

Time to get my party on. Yay.


I'm so excited for this story, that I wrote another chapter the same day. Ain't that something?

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- Maddie <3

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