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I saw Amy's feet move towards the door as Faith and Tim held out the note, and I tried to reach for her hand, as if to stop her. But she was already out the door.


I ran outside after her, not even bothering to hear what Tim and Faith had to say after they stopped singing. Outside, the rain was surprisingly pouring down, but I didn't care. I had to find Amy.

I ran all the way back to her house, only to see her halfway through the journey. She was far away from me, in the middle of the Funland, soaked and leaning against a game I couldn't even see. "Amy!" I yelled, cupping my hands around my mouth.

She turned to me, scared, but stood up and ran to me. "Lee! What are you doing?!" I squinted, trying to see clearly through the rain. "I'm here because you ran out! Are you alright?" "Lee, I haven't been alright for 2 weeks now," she said, crossing her arms. "Did you forget?" "Forget what?" "What the song said. Did you forget the passion, the magic, of loving me Lee?" I shook my head. "I never forgot it Amy. I missed the magic, the passion, all of it."

"I missed you Amy."

She stared at me, in crossing her arms and sighing. "Lee, what are you taking about?" I sighed. "Hear me out. Amy, I made a mistake, accusing you of cheating on me. I know you didn't now, I know Squid kissed you first. I know about all of it. I'm sorry, ok? I'm so sorry, Amy." She laughed, and I nearly jumped with joy; she hadn't laughed in two weeks, Sqaishey had said. "You're so stupid you know? For thinking I'd get back with you so easily. I'd be a fool if I did."

I frowned, but she stopped forward and took my hands in hers. "But... I guess I'm a fool then." I smiled, and I forgot about the rain and the party and the probably concerned people. I lifted her up my her waist and held her above my head, her hands gripping my shoulders. She laughed, leaning her head back to look at the sky. I dropped her, catching her by her waist and looking into her eyes. She smiled at me, and pressed her lips against mine.

I kissed back immediately, still holding her waist. I dropped her to her feet and continued to kiss her, suddenly in ten times a better mood. With the rain pouring on our heads and her warm lips on mine, I'd have to say it was the best kiss I ever had. We kissed for another minute or so, before a strike of lightning a couple feet away scared the living daylights out of us both. "Let's head back to the party!" I yelled, and she nodded. I grabbed her hand and pulled her all the way to the clubhouse.

Once we arrived, we instantly went into the warm room to see everyone, including Faith and Tim, dancing to 'Revenge'. (IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT SONG IS, IT'S BY CAPTAINSPARKLEZ)

Instantly, I saw Stampy smiling at me from the bar, and he winked at me. "I told you so," he mouthed, and I rolled my eyes. I also saw Salem, Livi, Chloe, Rosie, and Sqaishey squealing silently near the bar when they saw us. Amy giggled quietly, and I led her to the dance floor to dance. As we danced together in the midst of everyone, I couldn't help but feel truly amazing. I had the love of my life back, and I couldn't be happier.


Amy's POV

No. Frickin. Way.

Lee and I were back together. He apologized to me. We kissed, in the rain. Probably the most romantic place to kiss. Ever. Holy crap, that happened to me. As Lee and I danced on the floor, people laughed and talked and had fun around us, and I felt extremely happy. Once the song ended, I told Lee I was getting a drink, and he socialized with the boys while I went to the bar to speak with the girls. As soon as they saw me, they all pulled me in for a hug.

"I knew they'd get back together! Didn't I know it?" Salem squealed as she gave all of the girls high fives. I rolled my eyes. "It's not a huge deal." They all gasped. "Not a big deal?! Are you on drugs Amy?! This is huge!" Sqaishey exclaimed. I sighed. "You know what the best part was?" "What?" they all asked in unison.

"We kissed in the rain."

They all gasped, and then they all began to squeal in delight. "No way! You kissed him, in the rain?! That's so sweet!" Rosie squealed, and I chuckled. "That explains why I'm wet." They all giggled, and I told them bye as I was planning to spend the night with Lee hopefully. I found him in the middle of the crowd, nearly swallowed by everyone. "Hey Amy!" he greeted, pecking my cheek. "Hey!" Before I could say anything else, Faith and Tim got back onto the stage.

"We're gonna perform one more song, then we're heading off. It's called 'It's Your Love', so grab a partner," Tim said happily, and the music started. Lee took my hand and led me farther away from the stage, smack dab in the center of everyone. People stared, but I don't think Lee noticed, as he wrapped his arms around my waist and smiled at me. "Dance with me?" I giggled, wrapping my arms around his shoulders.

"Why not?" He chuckled as the music started, and we began to away to the slow music. In the middle of the song, I turned and winked at Faith and Tim. "You brought us together," I mouthed to them, and since Faith wasn't singing at the moment, she mouthed right back. "I noticed. He's a keeper." I giggled slightly. "I know. Thank you." She shook her head. "It was my pleasure." Then she continued to sing the song, and I turned back to Lee.

"I'm glad we're back together." He smiled. "Me too. So, you wanting to spend the night as my place tonight?" I giggled. "Of course. Why wouldn't I? We are dating, after all." As the song ended, I watched as Faith and Tim got off the stage. I ran over to them and gave them each a hug. "Thank you guys, so much. You helped being the love of my life back to me, and I couldn't be happier," I said, releasing them.

Tim chuckled. "Just, if he hurts you, tell that Squid guy to give me a call. I'll kick his ass any day. And I'll answer." Faith slapped his shoulder. "Rudd! Anyways, it was a pleasure to meet you Amy! Just keep that lad, and you'll be happy. I'm sure we'll see you again someday." I gave them one last hug before smiling at them. "I hope so. Bye!" I waved at them as I ran back to Lee. They waved back, and then Lee and I went to his place.

When we arrived, we were both so exhausted that we didn't even bother changing out of our clothes. We just collapsed on the bed and snuggled up together, falling asleep in mere minutes.



Warrior: Hello! And gee, what a great chapter!

Maddie: I know. People, please follow this girl! She's just PERF and stuff like that!

Warrior: YEA I'M PERF! XD

Maddie: *pulls out frying pan and whacks the air with it* THIS IS WHAT I'LL USE ON YOU IF YOU DON'T COMMENT TELLING ME HOW YOU LIKED THIS CHAPTER!

Warrior: She's serious too O_O

Maddie: Anyways, until next time...

Both: Byyyyyeeeee!

- Maddie and warrior_wolf1 <3 (follow her for a 🍪)

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