T W E N T Y - O N E

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Lee's POV

Stampy stared sympathetically at me as I frowned at the wall. "Why is she so sick, though? It's been days, and she's not getting any better!" I whined, and Stampy sighed. "I don't know, mate. But all I know, is that she will get better."

I grunted. "If she hasn't yet, then when will she? I can't do anything, I feel useless to her right now. She tells me that she's fine, but I know she isn't." He shook his head. "I don't know. But she'll get better at some point. Amy's strong; she'll pull through."

I turned to him. "The thing is... I haven't gotten sick yet, and I've spent all those three days with her. Maybe it's not contagious?" Stampy thought a moment before nodding. "Possibly. What sicknesses aren't contagious?" I considered the thought a moment, then a horrid thought filled my mind.

"Cancer, possibly? It's not contagious, from what I've heard. Leukemia is a possibility..." I trailed off, not ready to consider the possibility of that being true. Stampy shook his head frantically. "No! That's not it, Lee! I know it's not cancer!" I frowned, shaking my head.

"But what if it is?! What then? No one here's a classified doctor! She'd either have to be sent away, or she'd die!" Stampy gripped my shoulders tightly as I rambled. "I love her, Stampy! I'm not ready for her to die! If she does, I'd have nothing to-"

Then he slapped me across the face.

"Listen, Lee!" he shouted. "Amy is not, going to die! She's one of the strongest people I know, she will be just fine!" I felt tears welling up in my eyes at the sting of the slap, and the possibility of Amy having cancer. I wasn't ready for that, or whatever was wrong with her. "You sure?" I choked out, staring at the floor.

Stampy nodded. "Never been more positive in my life." I shook my head, and Stampy wrapped his arms around me tightly. "No matter what's wrong, Amy will be fine." I nodded as I hugged him back, and after a little bit, we released each other.

"I'm gonna go talk to Squid at his house." I left Stampy's home and ran to Squid's home quickly, arriving in mere minutes. He was on the roof of the house, adding something with birch planks and logs. "Hey Squid! What are you doing?" I called, and he turned to me.

"I'm adding a fire place to the house for when winter comes, and I need a chimney for the smoke to come out of!" he called back, adding come more logs to the chimney. "Wouldn't it catch on fire?" I asked, staring at the wooden chimney.

"Uh..." He glanced at the chimney. "Probably not. But the house is cobble, so if it does, I should be fine." I chuckled, and climbed up the ladder on the side of the house to the roof. I sat on the crafting table and sighed quietly.

"What do you think Amy's condition?"

He turned around after placing another birch log. "Her condition, as in her sickness?" I nodded, and he sighed. "Notch, mate, I haven't a clue! I haven't thought much of it, all I know is she'll be fine." I frowned. "What do you think of me not getting it yet? I've spent all my time with her, so I should've caught it if it was contagious."

Squid nodded thoughtfully. "True, true. Maybe it isn't, maybe it's one of those sicknesses that people get from animals. Remember that outbreak of the swine flu from pigs, that we all managed to survive?" I nodded. "Been three years and it's still insane thinking of it."

He chuckled. "That was insanely contagious between humans and animals, but not humans and humans. Maybe it's that, but with something else?" I shrugged. "Maybe. Hopefully it's something that she'll be fine after its come and gone."

Squid nodded. "Definitely. Look, Lee, I have a question that has nothing to do with this." I nodded, and he smirked. "When are you planning the wedding?"

I rolled my eyes. "After this sickness is done and over with. But we will once she's back on her feet." Squid grinned. "I'm really excited! So, who's the best man?" I laughed. "I haven't thought of it yet! Either you or Stampy, definitely."

Squid cheered. "Yay! Now I'm really excited for this thing!" I chuckled. "I'd hope so. I'm gonna head home, check up on Amy." He nodded, and gripped my shoulder. "Tell her I say hello." I nodded, and jumped off the roof and ran to me and Amy's house quickly.

Once inside, I went up to the upstairs bedroom to see that Amy wasn't in there, but the bathroom light was on and the doorwas closed. I knocked on it gently. "Amy? You alright?" I heard a slight gasp, and she spoke quickly. "Y-yeah, I'm fine. Just doing... girl things." "Need help? You sound scared," I said, turning the doorknob.

But it wouldn't turn.

It was locked.

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