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Lee's POV

"A party Stampy? Really?" He nodded eagerly, much to my displeasure. "Everyone here works too much, so we need to let loose and have some fun!"

I sighed. "Must I go, Stampy? She'll be there, and she looks happy when I'm everything but." He sighed. "Please, just tonight, and then you can go back to your suffering." I rolled my eyes. "Fine. Is it fancy or casual?" "Fancy. Wear a tux or something of the sorts. Oh, and please make up with Squid." "He ruined the best relationship I'd ever had, how can I forgive him for that?!"

"Just, try. Please?" I sighed, nodding and walking away from Stampy's room. I walked all the way to Squid's house and let myself in, knowing he didn't care. "Squid? Can we talk?" I called, looking around for him. I heard quiet footsteps, getting louder with each passing second, from the stairs and looked towards them.

Squid came down, looking kinda sleepy and upset. "Lee, if you're here to yell at me, let me talk first. You know love does crazy things, and I'll be forever sorry-" I rolled my eyes and went up to him. "Mate, I understand. She's great." He chuckled. "Really? Thanks mate!" He hugged me tightly, and I hugged him back. "She'll never forgive me for doing that to her," I mumbled after we released each other.

He laughed. "Mate, I'm sure she'd hop right into your arms the moment you apologized." "Yea right. I'll see you at the party." He patted my back. "See ya then." I ran out of his house and back to Stampy's, passing by Amy's on the way. I stopped short, stepping back a few steps to stare at the house, with flowers planted outside of it. I sighed, continuing to run to Stampy's. I ran inside my room and hopped into the shower, letting the scalding hot water soothe me.

After I got out of the shower, I dried myself off and slipped on a pair of black dress pants. I grabbed a white button up shirt out of my closet and put it on, buttoning up the buttons before grabbing the black jacket to go with it and ran out of my room. I didn't even notice Stampy when I came in, so now he was adjusting his tie in the mirror. He turned to me and smiled once he finished. "Looking sharp Lee." "You too mate."

He sighed. "Mate, she still loves you." I shook my head, slipping the jacket on over the white shirt. "I doubt, after the way I treated her." "C'mon Lee. She's heartbroken." "Sure doesn't show it well," I argued, and Stampy crossed his arms. "Look. Sqaishey told me that she was horrible in the first few days. She drinks all the time now Lee. She's devastated." I shook my head. "Please drop it. When does it start?"

"Now. Let's go."


Amy's POV

I slipped on the silver hoop earrings onto my ears, adjusting my hair out of the way of the hoops. I had on a black sleeveless dress, which proofed out slightly at the bottom. Only coming to my knees, it was nice to say the least. Black heels were on my feet, and silver and black makeup was what I chose. Sqaishey stood behind me, continuing to curl my hair, a smile on her face.

Her long navy blue dress was very stylish indeed, and it fit her well. Still gorgeous as always. "There. All done! Like it?" I turned to her. "Love it." She frowned. "Look, try and have fun tonight. Stampy somehow got some celebrities to come!" I gasped. "Who?!" (these celebrities don't have Minecraft skins, so just Google them if you don't know who they are and imagine them as Minecraft skins). "Tim McGraw and Faith Hill!"

I squealed. "I love them so much! Will we meet them?" She giggled. "Why wouldn't we?" I shook my head with a roll of my eyes, and adjusted the already perfect curls. "Amy, it looks fine. Now let's go, the party's about to start!" She grabbed my hand and lifted her dress with her other hand, dragging me out of the room and outside to the other girls. Rosie had on a short red dress, similar to mine only longer, Chloe had a white dress on, and Salem and Livi both had blue dresses on, each one different shades of blue than Sqaishey's.

"Let's go party!" Rosie said with a smile, and we all followed her to the clubhouse. As we walked up the stairs to go up, I heard loud, pumping music, as well as laughing and cheering. "Let's go!" Livi said excitedly, and we all followed her up the stairs. As the others went in, I remained outside and stared at the doors closed behind the girls. I sighed. "Let's do this," I whispered, grabbing the doorknob and pulling it open.

As soon as I walked in, several people looked to see who it was, and all were dumbfounded to see it was me. I waved to them all and walked to where the girls were, at the bar. Salem turned to me and grinned. "Hey Amy! Isn't it great?" I nodded, looking around the place. "It's nice." Suddenly, a voice startled me. "Excuse me."

I turned and saw the one person I didn't want to see. Everything slowed down, and all I focused on was his face.

It was Lee.



Maddie: By the way guys, the special guest for this chappie is my best buddy Squiddy!

Squid: Hello everyone! Looks like Amy and Lee aren't in the best of positions!

Maddie: *shifts uncomfortably in seat* I wonder whose fault that is...

Squid: Both of ours! You typed it, and I kissed Amy!

Maddie: So we're both to blame! But take Squid's head!

Squid: Hey! But, the next chapter, by what Maddie had told me, YOU'LL ALL DIE!

Maddie: Yep. So until next time!

Both: Byyyyyeeeee!

- Maddie and Squid <3

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