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Q: Have you met any of the MAC members in real life?
A: Unfortunately no, but I hope I do :)

Q: If you could meet any of the MAC members who would it be and why?
A: I'd say Squid or Lee, because they're inspirations to many people (they all are) and they seem like amazing people to be friends with

Q: If you were a boy what would your name be?
A: Ryan or Levi

Q: Do you My Little Pony bruh?
A: Nope ;)

Q: If you could meet only 1 member of the MAC, who would it be and why?
A: Only one? Sqaishey because she's absolutely amazing and perfect and stuff like that

Q: Where do you get your inspiration for your stories?
A: I read a LOT outside of Wattpad, and I read something, and add a little twist to it. Or I just have a dream about it and write it down XD

Q: What music do you like?
A: Everything but rap (blech)

Q: Do you like 5sos? If so, who do you like the most?

Q: If you had the chance to meet Lee, what would you do?
A: Cry.

Q: Stamy or Sqampy?
A: ... Sqampy

Q: Do you have an elective at your school? (Ex; band, choir, art, woodshop, Spanish, etc.)
A: Music, band, technology, art, and teen living (cooking, family, etc.)

Q: WHAT'S 9+10??

Q: How did you get into MAC?
A: I learned about Stampy first, and eventually got into everyone else

Q: If you could only meet one MAC member, who would it be?
A: Sqaishey

Q: How did you get into writing?
A: I wanted to be like the people who had fans and lots of votes and reads, and I'm glad I did :)

Q: Are you a social outcast?
A: You bet I am

Q: If you could live in one dish of food, what would it be?
A: Um... Chicken XD

Q: Do you remember what your first MAC video was? (What was it and on what channel?)
A: Stampy's Lovely World, episode 201 :)

Q: Are you awesomely crazy?

Q: Do you only ever use the Wattpad app or do you sometimes use the site?
A: I only use the app; I've been on the site once and hated it XD

Q: Do you think you will ever leave Wattpad?
A: Not anytime soon :)

Q: What is your favorite pie flavor?
A: Apple or Cherry

Q: If you could date anyone off of YouTube, who would it be?
A: They're not in the MAC, and I've never seen their faces, but ItsJerryandHarry or Squiddy :D

Q: Fav food?

Q: Fav colour?
A: Navy blue or purple

Q: Fav ice cream flavour?
A: Chocolate chip cookie dough

Q: What was your fave book you've written?
A: 'L for Love' or 'The Book of Sqampy' :)

Q: Will you ever do a one shots or dare book again?
A: I really hope so :)

Q: Why are your stories so AMAZING?!!!!
A: I honestly don't know why you guys like me so much, so I have no clue
Thank you all so much for everything you've done fore over the past near four months. They've been the best I've had in ages, and I love you guys so much.

Thank you for the questions.

I hope we can do something like this again :)

Oh, and if you don't know of any of the people in my description, check them all out if you haven't already ;) they're all amazing, and some of them even inspired stories of mine.

So until next time...


- Maddie <3

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