Chapter 1

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This hadn't been how you thought your day would be going. "Shit! Crap! Fudge!!" you yelled out all the curses you knew as your scrambled down the street. It was a late night, you were working a part time job after school.

Unlucky for you, one of those masked monsters had showed up again.

Every since you'd entered high school you had been a witness to some crazy stuff.

 First it was these transparent people that nobody else noticed. At first you were sure you had lost your mind, but you started to realize that just maybe there was a world beyond what you knew. You managed to make a couple of friends that were of the ghostly kind, which resulted in you not having many human friends. 

But that was fine, people were overrated in your opinion.

It hadn't stopped there, you started to see strange figures running around with swords and old dark robes that looked similar to a samurai's attire. 

Then there was the monsters.

 You weren't to sure what they were honestly, but after you had seen it devour one of your ghost friends, you didn't stick around to ask questions. The first time it happened the monster had left you alone. You assumed maybe it didn't see you, which you were grateful for. But after a while more had been showing up and you might have been imagining it but somehow it felt as if they were targeting you.

Fighting had never been your thing, so here you were running for you life as you yelled out random swears. You could hear it's heavy steps behind you. You had narrowly dodged some sort of blow it had shot at you, dropping your bag somewhere behind you. Your (H/C) hair was flying wildly in the air as you tried to increase your speed.

If it shot out another one of those bright red things at you there was no way you would survive. The first one had took out an entire apartment floor a couple blocks down, If that connected with your body, you would be a goner.

"Why is this happening to me....I don't want to die.." You were fighting back the tears that were threatening to spill as you continued to run down what felt like and endless number of streets. Your breathing was labored and your legs burned from going for so long.

 "I can't keep this up forever, sooner or later that thing is gonna catch up." you skated turning sharply around a corner as you continued to sprint. In all honesty, you were surprised the thing hadn't caught up to you by now. You looked over shoulder abruptly, halting when you realized something.

"Where the hell did it go?" Something was off, there was still a thickness in the air. A sort of suffocating  feeling you got right before one of those monsters showed up. You eyes darted around quickly. Your hands clenched closer to your chest in panic. It was still here, you could feel it.

"You finally stopped running."  Your throat tightened as the voice appeared behind you. Eyes wide with fear, you turned slowly freezing in your spot. The first thing that caught you sight was those eyes. 


A visible hole was present at the center of it's chest, the same white mask that they all wore was over what you assumed to be its face. It's body was huge and weirdly shaped like some sort of animal. Your legs were quaking as it brought it's hand down. 

You flinched at the last minute about to take off again, but it was to late. It grabbed you with it's large hand, lifting you a good few feet off the ground.

"It would be bothersome if you ran off again human."

You sobbed as it started to squeeze you in it's hand. "Gyahhhh!" you screamed out in pain as it only tightened it's grip on your body.

"You'll taste delicious." It laughed in a sickly distorted voice. Your vision was becoming blurry, you were struggling to stay conscious. ""

Your eyelids started to lower as it's hand moved you towards it's mouth about to devour you.

A sharp cry was heard from the monster below. You jolted, eyes springing open as the hand it held you in had been amputated. You stared in disbelief as your body had started fall to the ground.

You braced your arms preparing for the fall. Two arms caught you midair stopping your fall. You were still shaking violently too afraid to open your eyes.

Whatever had caught you was still holding you bridal style. "Are you alright?" a gentle voice asked laced with worry. You opened your eyes hesitantly meeting the brown eyes or your savior. 

You gasped when you had seen his face. He was the very image of tall and handsome. His hair was long and white, skin fairly pale. His body was covered in the same robes you had seen the weird figures wearing, but his looked a little different. Those brown eyes looked so kind, you couldn't look away.

He returned your shocked expression with a dazed looked. "What a beautiful human she is...." Ukitake thought. 

You both had just been staring at each other in awe for a while until you came back to your senses. You jumped out of his arms scrambling to your feet in panic. "W-We have to go, the monster is gone for now b-but it's gonna come back they always do!" you warned grabbing his arm. Your were about to pull him along with you when pain shot straight through your body. Gasping out you fell to your knees.

"W-What's going on..." before you could completely collapse the handsome stranger rushed to your side. "Don't overdo it, your still injured." He picked you back up taking off into the sky.

Right now should have been about the time to panic. 

After all you had seen...nothing could surprise you anymore. 

"There's no need to worry. I've taken care of the hollow, Your safe now." he said in a soothing tone. He was still jumping through the air skipping on the top of a building ever now and then. "They never leave...even if you got rid of that one, more will come." you spoke fearfully.

He stopped in his tracks looking down at you. "Are you saying the hollows are targeting you?" he  asked. You looked up with a small nod. "Y-Yeah I think so. They weren't before but after a while to many kept appearing. It couldn't be just a coincidence." He looked off into the sky with a brooding expression. "This girl is in danger then, this has to be the burst off reiatsu the Head captain mentioned. She was the one releasing it." Ukitake looked back down at you skeptically.

You shrunk under his intense gaze (E/C) orbs avoiding his. "Wait a second y-you said it was a...hollow?" you questioned. He nodded. "Yes, they're attracted to individuals that give off an higher amount of spiritual pressure. Usually they attack ghost, but you seem to possess a high concentration of reiatsu." You looked at him blinking in confusion. 

"I have no clue what the hell you're talking about." you stated bluntly. He sweat dropped. "I-I guess it is a little too much for you to handle all at once." He smiled kindly. "How rude of me,         I never even introduced myself."

"My name is Ukitake Jushiro, It's a pleasure to meet you." He greeted politely. You blushed trying to calm your rapidly beating heart. "A-Ah, I'm (F/N) (L/N). It's nice to meet you as well." you returned. "(Y/N), what a beautiful name." he voiced still smiling down at you. You weren't sure what to say.

"I-Is he flirting with me..?" You looked at him, you could practically see flowers blooming around him. "Maybe he's just overly friendly." you concluded. It took you awhile to realize you were still about fifty feet in the air as Ukitake held you.

"I-If it's not to much trouble could you probably carry me to my apartment. I-I don't think I can walk right now." you requested shyly.

"Of course! It's no trouble. I wouldn't be much of a gentleman if I left you here." you giggled under your breath at the cute expression he made when he took off after you had given him directions to your apartment.

You weren't sure where this handsome man had come from and at the time you didn't really care. For once you hadn't felt so lonely. That thought played in your mind as you buried yourself a little deeper into his chest. No doubt your life had gotten more interesting.

(Bleach Fanfic) Jushiro x reader x IchigoWhere stories live. Discover now