Chapter 4

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Ichigo's pov

That damn hollow had to ruin such a good moment with (Y/N). No time to think about that now I needed to get moving. Pressing the soul badge to my chest, I shot out of my body. I leaned my body against a wall out of sight as I continued to follow the direction of the hollow.

"I'll take care of this quickly so I could get back to her." Increasing my speed I flash stepped to my destination.

I stopped when I heard another cry. I was in the right spot, I could feel it. Where the hell was it?

I was quickly  getting impatient.

"ICHIGO!!" a voice yelled. I turned seeing (Y/N) running in my direction panting heavily. 

"I told you not to leave!!" I shouted in fear. My eyes turned wide when I realized something.

 "W-Wait a can see me?" before she could reply, the hollow appeared directly behind her. 

"Gotcha!!" it spoke menacingly.

"No way......"

"(Y/N)!!!!!" I cried out in horror.

Her running stopped, and just as the hollow was about to attack she disappeared. I gasped as a weight landed in my chest. I looked down at my arms startled.

 "Ichigo.." she whispered clutching unto my robes. I wasn't gonna stand around questioning it, I had a hollow to get rid off, I could ask questions later.

I raised my sword about to show it who's boss when a white cloak blocked my view.

"Look after her." the captain said raising his dual swords easily striking the hollow in half as it faded.

I was speechless. "What just happened?"

"Ukitake!!" (Y/N)'s  excited voice cried as she jumped out of my arms. Without a second thought she jumped into his arms beaming. "I missed you." she cheered. 

Ukitake chuckled returning the hug. "I've missed you as well, (Y/N)." Ukitake returned. I frowned a feeling of annoyance growing on my face.

"Hmmm, seems that captain stole your girlfriend king." Hichigo mocked. I was getting pretty tired of his voice in my head.

"Jushiro..." I mumbled looking at him. He turned to me smiling brightly "Hello Ichigo."

I sweat dropped at his happy go lucky attitude."What's the meaning of this?"I questioned annoyed. I turned to (Y/N) pissed.

"And you! Why didn't you stay home, I told you not to leave!" I shouted thumping her on her head. She pouted looking down. "I didn't know you were a reaper, I was just trying to warn you about the hollow." she muttered.

"How do you even know about hollows." She just smiled.

"Ukitake told me, I'm so glad your a reaper though, now I know I'm not crazy."

I looked at her weirdly. "What do you mean?"

"Well Rukia is a reaper too right? And Chad and the others, they aren't reapers but they have some kinda powers." she stated looking accomplished.

''How do you know that? I don't recall telling you about kuchiki-san." Ukitake inquired thoughtfully.

"Oh, I felt it. For some reason I can differentiate between regular people and those with high reiatsu." she stated.

"That's amazing (Y/N)-san." Jushiro praised petting her softly on the head. That made me even more ticked.

"Is that how you were able to flash step." I voiced.

She blinked. " I-I actually don't know, that was the first time something like that happened."

"Seems all that running I did finally paid off!" she joked.

"Now that you're both here though let's go watch a movie now." Grabbing both Ukitake and I by the arm she pulled us to her apartment.

"W-Wait a second-"

"A movie sounds great." Ukitake cheered interrupting me as he smiled with her.

"Great! Off we go then!!" She didn't even wait to hear what I was gonna say as she dragged us 

(Bleach Fanfic) Jushiro x reader x IchigoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora