Chapter 11

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Your eyes were in a slight trance. The orangenette moved forward. You should have been scared, but you walked out from behind Jushiro, hand reaching out to link hands with Ichigo. He reached out, hand interlocking with your own. 

"You can tell, that's quite remarkable." A soft breath escaped you.

Rukia and everyone else present looked confused. "I'm Tensa Zangetsu." A startled sound left Uryuu's lips. "B-But how is that possible!?" Tensa's eyes looked back at you.

"(Y/N)'s reiatsu has triggered something in Ichigo. Usually, Hichigo is the only one who takes over when Ichigo loses control. " Rukia glared. "Why did he just rampage like that. If the soul society views Ichigo as a threat it would mean punishment." Tensa nodded.

"This time Hichigo wasn't the one to blame, something about (Y/N)'s reiatsu is altering Ichigo's hollowfication. It's effects are strong. Even now, it is a bit of a challenge for me to be in her presence. " You could hear the slight strain in his voice.

"M-My reiatsu?" He nodded. "I warned him previously that it would be dangerous to interact with you, of course Ichigo is not one to take to warnings." Rukia nodded with a sigh. "He's very ignorant. " she added. Kisuke was curious now. "So he's trying to devour her soul?" Tensa shook his head. He pulled his hand from your own slowly, looking down. "Lower level hollows would try to consume her soul but, that's not what we desire." your head tilted.

"Then what?" Tensa suddenly looked nervous. His eyes shifted in the other direction.

"We...we want your body.." he forced out.

Silence echoed throughout the room. For a while, no one spoke. That was until you saw Rukia grabbed Tensa into a headlock. " Kon...if you're playing some sick joke I'll kill you." she threatened. Tensa looked startled. "I-I'm not Kon!!" he defended. Ichigo's body started to turn blue from the lack of blood circulation. After a few seconds, Rukia released him. Tensa fell to the floor sucking in breaths. He gave a side glance at Rukia. "I understand now...why he seems so terrified of her.." Tensa made a mental note, never to piss of the petite female.

"S-So K-Kurosaki-kun wants to...w-with (Y/N)-san?!" Orihime squeaked. Red rushed to your cheeks at Orihime's wording. Tensa nodded, shifting uncomfortably. Orihime's eyes glanced to Uryuu for a split second, blushing as she looked away. Rukia cleared her throat and Kisuke chuckled. Chad had been quiet for the most part, completely unfazed.

Jushiro stepped in front of you, blocking the view of you from Tensa. "That's not going to happen." the white haired captain stated firmly. Tensa's jaw locked in irritation. "That is not for you to decide. She's not your property." Jushiro's eyes hardened. "Nor does she belong to you." he retaliated. "H-Hey.." you called softly. Jushiro reached for his sword. "You already tried to hurt her before. I can trust her in your company." Tensa took a stance, his brows furrowing in anger. "You're foolish if you believe you can take me in battle reaper." Jushiro gritted his teeth.

Your annoyance grew at the fact that they were both ignoring you. "I-I can speak for myself!" you exploded. Both of them stopped, looking at you. "I-I need time to think, Orihime-san, can I stay at your place for a while?" Orihime looked surprised, but nodded. "Sure you can." she agreed. "(Y/N)-san you-"

"I want to be left alone, don't follow me. Either of you." you interjected, cutting Jushiro off.

"Very well." Tensa answered.

"I'm leaving." you said. Orihime followed as you turned away from both males, exiting the shop.

When you were out of earshot, Jushiro glared. "You're just going to let her leave like that. She's unprotected. Open to hollow attacks."

"I will be looking out for her, but I need to respect her wishes. She asked to be alone, it's not my place to approach her if she wants to be alone."

"That's ridiculous." Tensa turned his back, glancing at Jushiro from the side.

"If you truly care for her, you'd do the same. Put aside your ego and try to understand how she feels reaper." Jushiro seethed. As much as he wanted to argue, Tensa was right.

"Very well." Jushiro replied tighty.

"I guess we'll just have to wait..." 

(Bleach Fanfic) Jushiro x reader x IchigoWhere stories live. Discover now