Chapter 14

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"Maybe we should have a girls night today. I could invite Rukia and Tatsuki, Chizuru and even Yoruichi!!" you smiled. "That's okay Orihime, I just want to be on my own right now. " If you were around people, you would only be thinking about everything going on. That would only spoil everyone else's good time. You didn't want that. Orihime noticed the look on your face.

"(Y/N)-san, have you spoken to Ichigo recently?" you looked at her, shaking your head slowly.

"I-I...can't.." you said weakly. She nodded. "I know how you feel, being afraid I mean. " You didn't reply. "Ichigo would never hurt you (Y/N), I know he didn't mean to attack." you knew what she was saying was true, but you didn't want to talk about it any longer. For the last couple days it was the only thing you were thinking about. You couldn't stay wallowing in your own fear.

"Thanks Orihime." you muttered. With that, you left.


You were walking around Karakura Town aimlessly. Not really sure where to go. Your eyes watched the trees, the people. Your head was in the clouds. "I haven't seen Ichigo for a while now.." At first you were the one intent on avoiding him, but now you wanted nothing more than to see him. "Why hasn't he even came to check on me. Jushiro has come by multiple times. " You couldn't blame him. You were the one acting all terrified and although you needed space what you wanted was to see him. It felt like he wasn't even fighting to stay by your side. You hair swayed softly with the wind as you kept your gaze forward. Your eyes liften when you realized you ended up by your school. You watched through the gate.

"Yeah. It's natural."

"Can I touch it!!"

"Geez, you sure are weird...whatever go ahead."

"It's really soft!"

Your lips turned into a smile, as memories of how you and Ichigo met flashed before your eyes.

"He was so kind to me..even though he didn't have to be. He could have just walked away.."

You turned, getting ready to leave. You froze, when your eyes linked with a familiar chocolate colored ones.

"(Y/N)..." your breath caught in your throat as you stared at Ichigo.

"Ichigo.." you didn't know what to say. He turned his head after a few seconds of looking at you. "I'm sorry I...I didn't know you were here I was just walking. I-I won't try anything so you don't have to worry." You bit your lip.

"I should get going. Don't stay out too long, you might get attacked again. " He walked passed you without looking up. Before he was out of your reach you grabbed his arm. Ichigo flinched at the touch spinning around. He was shocked at the determined look on his face.

"Why haven't you fight for me." you asked. He gave you an incredulous look.

"I-I can't! I'm dangerous. I can't be trusted around you." he said solemnly. "I care about you (Y/N), that's why I think Jushiro should look after you. It's the safest bet. " You glared.

"Y-You're a coward!! " you yelled. His eyes hardened. "What the hell are you saying! I'm doing this so I won't harm yo-" you pitched forward grabbing him by the collar. Without warning your pressed your lips to his. Ichigo's eyes widened. "What the hell is she-" Ichigo placed his hands on your shoulders to push you away but you were holding on tightly.

He growled body trembling. "D-Damn it!" when he finally managed to separate from you he was panting. So were you. "Ichigo placed his hand on the right side of his face trying to calm down his rapid heart beat. "Slow down..slow down damn it!!" You stood watching his battle for control. You could see the small specs of white that was slowly forming on his face. His mask.

"T-This time I know what I'm up against." you stood firm. Even though you were still very terrified, you didn't want to go on like this.

Ichigo let out a shrill cry, lips twisting menacingly. When he looked up his eyes were golden again. He smirked in your direction, completely uncharacteristically.

"You shouldn't have done that kitten~" in a second he was directly in front of you. There wasn't even time to react. You were grabbed and transported instantly. When your legs were back on the ground you were pressed against the wall of a building. It was secluded, no one in sight.

No one to help you.

"Playing with fire, you really think I won't hurt you. " He leaned forward, pinning your wrist to the building almost painfully. You grimaced. When you finally looked into his eyes you noticed something. There was a carnal look in his eyes. A defiant look. But also.... A sad one. This was Ichigo, hollow side or not, this was a part of Ichigo. Maybe a darker version of him. There was a look of loneliness to his usually malicious eyes. "I stupid.. " The entire time you were treating him like a monster. Like those hollows. And that's what he was doing, feeding off your reactions.

Ichigo's fears, they weren't just his, they were his counterparts as well.

Control, lack thereof, everything. They shared everything. Wants, needs, belongingness.

"Maybe all he needs is love, not just as a reaper, but as a hollow as well. "

"Love.." you muttered. His eyes looked confused for a while. "What are you muttering?" he asked agitated.

"I love you." you confessed. " His eyes widened at the statement.

"S-Stupid human what the hell are you saying!?!" you smiled, a few droplets of tears running down your cheeks. "I'm sorry it took so long. I love you Ichigo, all of you. Every part of you. I love it all." you grinned at him brightly.

The male released you in shock. You took the opportunity to step forward placing your hands on his cheeks. His yellow orbs were shaking uncertainly. You smiled. Seems like you finally got through to him. "I don't know how much control you have, but I trust you more than anyone else in my life. You would never hurt me. None of you. " with that being said you leaned forward, placing a soft kiss on his lips. He just stared in awe, unsure of how to react. When you pulled, back you were blushing. You were stunned to see the small piece of his mask was slowly fading from his face. The blackness was also retracting, pupils turning back to a chocolate color.

"(Y/N)..." Ichigo said in a daze. You smiled.

"Hey Ichigo." 

(Bleach Fanfic) Jushiro x reader x IchigoWhere stories live. Discover now