Chapter 9

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"Even if you refuse to acknowledge it, you feel for me (Y/N), the same way I feel for you."

You clenched the sheets closer to your body as you buried your face into your bed. You were confused. There had been something there when you first met Jushiro but...Ichigo was the one least that's what you thought. You weren't sure what to trust anymore. You felt disgusted with yourself. Had you been leading on Ichigo the entire time. If you truly felt nothing for Jushiro, you would have just pushed away and deny everything.

Your lips were still tingling from his kiss. After Jushiro's confession, you ran off. You just grabbed your bag and ran like a coward. You didn't want his words to be true.

"I don't understand..I do feel something for Jushiro, but I...also have feelings for Ichigo?"

You clenched your eyes shut, forcing back the tears that were building up.

A knock at your door made you jump. Your head raised as you pushed the sheets off your body. When you lifted off the bed, your body felt heavy. Your eyes were probably swollen from all the crying you did before. You forced your body forward to see who is was.

You were standing directly in front of the door, hand reaching for the knob. You gripped it, pulling the door open. The first thing that caught your eyes was the familiar orange spiked hair. Ichigo smiled, scratching his head awkwardly. "Sorry I came by so late, just needed to make sure you got home okay." a small blush littered his cheeks as he avoided your eyes. You couldn't stop the small smile that tugged at your lips. Despite the sadness in your eyes, you smiled.

"Thank you Ichigo..." you voiced softly. 

Ichigo finally looked at you when he heard your tone. His eyes widened at the tear stains visible on your cheeks.

"What the hell! Did you get attacked or something!!" he yelled frantically. He grabbed you by the shoulders stepping forward. When his hands touched you, your body froze, when you felt an energy surge through your body. You gasped at the foreign feeling. Ichigo's eyes dilated and you stared watching as black slowly filled in covering around his once chocolate colored orbs.

His irises were now a hollow yellow. You pulled away from him in fear.

"W-What's going on!!" you cried out in fear. Ichigo stumbled, holding the right side of his face. You heard him grunt lowly making you worried. You moved over to help him standing. As soon as your hand touched him, your body was forced to the ground.

Both your hands were pinned above your head, making your breath catch. Ichigo was now hovering over you. You swallowed, terrified when he leaned over with an animalistic growl. His hand tightened around your wrists. You winced, trying to wiggle your way out.

"I-Ichigo s-stop, you're hurting me.." you whimpered. He didn't respond. You heard a low growl as his mouth moved to the side of your neck. "You smell good..." your eyes shook, startled at the low tone of his voice. It sounded nothing like Ichigo. He sounded distorted now, similar to the way a...

"Hollow..." you whispered quietly. Ichigo's face was finally in view now. The sight that you saw made your blood run cold. A white mask was now on his face, Dark red marking going down the left side. The area where you assumed a mouth, looked like hollowfied teeth. Your eyes watered as his yellow eyes stared back at you. Whatever this was, it wasn't the reaper you fell in love with.

You mustered up all the strength you could, kicking out both your legs you shoved him over your head. Ichigo's body flew over your head, caught off guard by the sudden action. You didn't stay to see if he was okay. Stumbling to your feet, you went bolting out the door panicked.

"T-That's not Ichigo! A hollow got him! I need to get help! Get help!! I have to get help!!!" your legs were wobbling, but you willed them to move faster. You needed to get to Orihime, or Ishida or Rukia. Anyone that could help save Ichigo.

"Jushiro..." his name popped into your head involuntarily. You were panting as you continued running. You kept praying that someone would get to you before your body gave out. Pushing past bodies of confused individuals who were walking casually, you didn't even bother to look back. You were to afraid that hollow would be behind you. Even if it was, no one would help, none of them would be able to see the hollow.

You dashed from behind a building, after you turned a street. Your brain didn't even process that you were running in the middle of an active street. The only warning you had, was the sound of a horn blaring at you. You stopped cold in your tracks at the van that was now speeding in your direction.

"WATCH OUT!!!" your eyes shut as you prepared for the blow.

A rush of air echoed throughout your ears. Your eyes were still closed, but you didn't feel any pain. Eyes opening slowly, you noticed a familiar reaper cloak.

"J-Jushiro!!" your eyes lit up in relief. He was gliding through the air as he watched your trembling form.

"What happened? Why were you running in the street?" your lips quivered.

"I-Ichigo got taken over by a hollow or something!! H-He attacked me and I tried to knock him out of it but his eyes were scary and I..." your words got lost in your throat as you sobbed.

Jushiro's eyes hardened. "That must have been're spiritual pressure felt so..different.." you gazed at him in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"I felt a spike in your spiritual pressure, it wasn't normal though..did he touch you at any point?"

You nodded. "Y-Yeah he grabbed me, b-but that wasn't Ichigo! I-Ichigo would never hurt me. It was that evil hollow!" you buried your face in his chest, hugging him tightly.

Jushiro eyes looked forward. " should have told her about you're hollowfication. " Jushiro could see the terror in your eyes. Ichigo would have to be the one to explain this to you.

"This will be difficult.." Jushiro kept on his way, skipping over various buildings. He needed to get you somewhere safe before he went to deal with Ichigo. If he was in fact hollowfied, it was going to take a lot to get him under control.

(Bleach Fanfic) Jushiro x reader x IchigoWhere stories live. Discover now