Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I slowly made my way in the direction that Demetri went before and found myself in amazing kitchen.

It had marble countertop with a nice island table that had a bunch of different flavored cupcakes on it. I figured I could help in something and not just sit in the living room all alone. As it seems, I was right. Help is definitely need.

Demetri, like the caterer he was, he was preparing a small batch cupcake. He had two full green piping bags and cupcakes all aligned . Once he started he looked so concentrated in frosting the cupcakes that it made me laugh. His face was so serious yet cute.

He looked up instantly when I laughed and looked quite surprised. "I thought you left with Ryan." He said explaining his expression.

"No. I was going to go but I thought it would we rude to leave you alone. Besides you are the one who did want to meet me."

He looked down in sort of embarrassment and smiled." Yeah.. I know ."

I smiled." So..." I said wanting to change the subject. "You need help?"

He looks up surprised. "Help?"

"Yeah.. "I said slightly confused to why he was so surprised."You know. Me help you.. Assist you in something ?"

"Oh.. Well unless you know how to frost cupcakes then I don think so."

I lit up ." I can do it but I get to have the left over frosting ,right ?"

He chuckled." Promise."

I washed my hands and started to help frosting. We talked a little on why he was making so many cupcakes and he mention he had a little get together with all his family. He expressed his family with such love that it made me a little bit jealous.

I wish I had gatherings or at least family members .

"So how do you know how to frost cupcakes ?"

"I.. Well when I was little my mom made a cupcakes and just all kind of deserts in general. I watched her do it but I never got the chance to actually do it myself. I took classes later in my life because it reminded me of home. It calms me , I guess. And I bake now for Rex and I."

"Just you and Rex? Why don't you bake for your parents?" He asked innocently.

"Uh... My parents died."

There was huge moment of silence and I could sense that he felt guilty for asking. I continued to frost trying to ignore the tense atmosphere.

"But I like baking for Rex. He's pretty good eater if you ask me but he'll say that I'm the champion." I chuckled remembering those times I spent with Rex having cupcake challenges.

"I'm sorry." He finally said.

I turned around to find him staring directly at me. He face was beyond serious and guilt laid within his eyes.

I looked straight at him ."Don't be. Its not your fault. My parents died and it happens. We all die eventually." I turned around and continued doing the swirls on the cupcakes.

He stood beside me and started to frost alone side with me. "I can see why Rex cares for you so much. "

"Why?" I asked.

"You are beautiful."

I blushed tomato red and let the loose strand cover my face."Thanks."

"For what ? Calling you beautiful? It wasn't a compliment. It was a statement."

I don't know how to respond to that.

"No. Not for that. For Rex. For being his friend."

He stood silent once again. Man is this guy so talkative. Note sarcasm, please.

"Are you guys going out ?" If I had a drink I would choke on my drink but instead I choked in my own saliva. "Are you alright ? Here." He gave me a glass of water."drink this."

"Thanks." I said fixing myself.

"Are you that surprised? It's just that you guys are with each other all the time. It looks like you could be an idem."

I nodded." No. He's like my older brother. Just more annoying than I thought one would be like."

"Oh..." Was his response.

"Why? Did he mention something?" I asked feelings he sense of curiosity bubble through me.

Now that I was thinking about it , I would so kill Rex if he said we were dating.

"No. He just mention sometimes you as Sparkles and my girl."

I sighed feeling a sense of relief ."That's normal. Its kind of our thing. We call each other nicknames and what not."

"Okay then.. So since your note dating... "He took a deep breath."Would you like to go out sometime?"

I flustered up skittle when he asked this . I also felt a little bit shaky to answer this question. It's been so long since I went out on a date or had a official restart with somebody. Maybe this can be my chance for a change.

I put the finished cupcake down and turned my face to his."Sure."


It was pretty smooth from then on out. Demetri and I talked a lot , learning facts about each other .Rex finally came with the pizza before I was on the verge of calling and killing him for not bringing it sooner.

When we said our good byes it was a little bit weird because Demetri and I exchanged numbers.

It was weird for three reasons. First off , I had a new phone number on my phone besides Rex. Two, I had to stay back with Demetri for awhile. Third , well let's just say this experience was new to me and I didn't even know If I was doing it right.

Was there a right way to do this?

Maybe I should look up a dating book. If that even exist. Theirs probably just small quote a like 'never know till you try' or if the relationship didn't work out 'better luck next time' .

"So what was that?" Rex asked as soon as we left Demetri house.

I stood silent for a few seconds and I didn't know if I should tell him or not. I decide to go for it since Rex new everything about me and if I didn't tell him now he would find out later. Though it did make me nervous to tell him and I didn't know exactly why.

"Uh... We are dating? I think. How about we are going to go on a date. " I said confused in how to explain it.

"You and Demetri. Dating ?" He said emotionless.

"Yeah."I said feeling the nerves kick in again." Is it alright ? Like do you think he's a decent guy ?"

He kept his gaze on the rode which I was glad for but he didn't answer me. It was until a few nerve wrecking two minutes passed the he responded.

"Do what your heart tells you to."

And with that simple response my heart jumped.


HELP !!!

Hey guys!!!

I think we should have like ship names for these weird people .


Ship names-

Rex and Abby-

Demetri and Abby -

Comment ship names since I think it would be cool to have ship names ..

Don't ya think ??

Anyways ...

Eat and enjoy life !!!

Bye !!


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