Chapter 14

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"I want to go to sleep." I demanded as I walked in the living room conflicted. I was debating of whether to calmly join him and pretending nothing happened or rip his head off.

Rex looked at me warily as he could tell something was wrong. My face probably gave it away. I might be nice but I know my glare was lethal. I've been told many times before. I turned around quickly into my bedroom and laid down not saying a word. I was pissed. Beyond pisses if possible.

All my emotions were jumbled up and I did and didn't want to mention to him about the whole acting thing. My irrational side was told me to barge into the living room and demand answers but a bigger part of me wanted to enjoy this vacation.

We had just became a couple and even though he hurt me without him knowing I knew the truth ,I wanted to enjoy the moment. It took me about a good 15 minutes to realize that and I was frustrated.

I still am.

I heard Rex come to bed next to me and laid right beside me. He's hands wrapped my waist and he pushed me closer to his body. I didn't reject him even though I wanted to cry and kill him for lying to me.

He nuzzled his face in my neck."I love you Abby."

I wanted to yell at him and tell him that if he loved me why had he lied to me. Why? Was I not enough for him to tell the truth to?

Apparently not.

I looked at him and saw the vulnerability in his eyes. I lean forward and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I love you too Rex." And that is the truth.

He flashed one those child like smiles before laying down right next to me and muffled a soft good night. He wrapped me tighter against his side as his breath evened.

I stayed still as a single tear rolled down my cheek.

Why did this happens to me? Why lie? Why betray me when I gave you my all? I told you everything. Everything. Yet it wasn't enough for you to tell me the truth.

"Night." I whispered.

Next morning 7 am

"Abby. Wake up. We need to get ready for today." I hear Rex say but I refused to get up.

"Leave." I commanded in my all so glorious morning voice. Just imagine a person with a sore throat and hasn't had water for two days. That should give you the idea.

"Abby." He chuckled." Today's the last day we are spending in Paris. We need to enjoy it before our 11 o'clock flight tonight."

I raised my head from the pillow having my hair cover most of my vision. He smiled at early morning wake and pushed my hair back.

"Fine. " I muttered." But I'm going comfortable."

"Fine by me as long as I see you up and ruining which is a miracle as 7:03 am. "

"7:03 am! What?! Is the queen of England asking for my presence at the castle?! It's 7:03 am! Rex." I glared at him. "Why wake me up so Damn early?! Don't you see I'm not a morning person?"

"I'm sorry." He says sheepishly." I did warn you though that we would start our day early."

"Early?! I thought you were talking about waking up at 1 in the afternoon!"

He put his hand in surrender." I'm sorry but your up anyways. Besides. We are getting food." He mentions like it'll make my day easier and he was damn right about it too.

I regardlessly slammed the bathroom door shut and angrily get ready brushing my teeth and taking a hot shower even though hot water makes me fall asleep.

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