Chapter 7

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I sat in the living room waiting for Rex to arrive. I had texted him at work since talking at the time was a struggle, especially since my talk with Demetri. I told Rex that we needed to talk and that it was urgent. I felt bad for using the emergency card but I was kinda having a sort of meltdown. First was my half discovery of Rex's love for me and then me sort of rejecting Demetri before we even started. I felt my guilt rise back just thinking about what happened.

"Oh." Was all he answered. If it weren't for the fact his voice was inevitably low and kinda sad then I wouldn't have voice how disappointed he truly was. I'm dense like that sometimes.

"I'm sorry." I finally said in the awkward silence that had me trembling.

"No. It's alright.As long as we can reschedule. I'm interested I'm you Abby." His confession hand my breath hitched."I like you and I would love to continue getting to know you. I know I can possibly be one of the million guys that have told your this but I want us to get closer. And this is beyond my boundaries because I have never said this to anyone or have been interested in someone as much as I am with you."

I my breath came out shaky."Demetri."

"Just give me a chance."

My heart broke."Demetri."

"Please?" He plead made me feel like I was a monster.

I let out a whole heartily huff."I can't right now. I Can't be with you for a little while. I'm having a slight problem and I think if you got into my mess it wouldn't be fair. I don't want to hurt you if we do go further because...." I stopped. I can't tell him about Rex , it would only make things worse. I sighed while my stomach did its stupid flips." Please. Just wait till I'm ready to answer that question because Im a mess right now and I can't."

"I'm glad you are honest."I smiled, he's trying to make me feel better." I'll be waiting Abby, for you only. Lets just hope it's not too long."

I laugh softly." No promises but I'll just have to see."

"Okay. Bye Abby."


It was quite nerve wrecking but I was grateful that he didn't lash out on me. I really do give want to give Demetri a chance but I need to figure out my problem before I could go into a relationship.

From the distance I heard the door unlock and a bunch of shuffling that make my heart race.

"Abby? I'm home!" He stated in rather a concerned tone

"I'm in the living room."

Rex came in with one of his devilish smile that make my heart swell. His hair was a total mess from probably running through them so much for my sudden emergency. His suit clung into his torso nicely but was a tad bit messy which look totally fine from my standards. Overall, I was more than grateful he came home early even though his client probably got pissed for canceling.

"What's the emergency?"

I looked at his concern with guilt. I shouldn't have said it was an emergency but it sort of was. Maybe I should use that half-heart killing moment card next time. I mentally made a note to do so.

I felt my hands start to fidget ."We need to talk."

"Obviously. That's why I came."

"No. We need to sit and talk." I said dodging his sarcastic comment.

He nodded hastily as he took his seat next to me." What up?"

"I canceled the date."I said without thinking.

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