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I remember screaming and the thud as I hit the ground. Glass shattering around me and Noah was there too.
I gasp as I wake up, panting heavily. I notice that I'm in a hospital again. But this time Noah isn't by my side.
"Aah good you're awake. How are you feeling?" a nurse comes in.
"Where's Noah?" I manage.
"Mr. Flynn is in room 86" she informs me.
"Can I see him?"
"Sweetie, you can't get out of bed right now but maybe when you've recovered more"
"No please! I need to see him!"
"You won't stop begging me until I say yes are you?" obviously I say yes, "very well. But if anyone asks I didn't let you okay?"
"Okay." I smile at her.
She helps me into a wheelchair and then I wheel myself down the corridor to Noah's room. When I enter, he's hooked up to loads of machines. And he's unconscious. I think he's in a coma.

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