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Lee and Elle come into my room and I can tell that Elle's been crying.
"Noah! How can you possibly think it's okay to treat my best friend like that and get away with it?"
"What do you mean? I just did what you asked" I say. Then I notice Lee violently shaking his head.
Elle slowly turns to look at Lee.
"You... You told him to say he didn't love me? I thought you said you were okay with our relationship"
"What Lee? What do you think you can say that will make this better. You knew that I love Noah. You knew better than anyone how upset I would be if he told me he didn't love me. You know what Lee? We can't be friends anymore okay? And I never want to see you again!"
He doesn't say anything, he just leaves.
"Elle... I am so sorry"
"And you! I let you know all of my secrets and you know how easily I get upset! How could you agree to do that to me?"
"Elle you don't get it"
"Tell me what I don't understand then!"
"Elle, I did it because he threatened to commit suicide otherwise. In fact, he has been talking about it since his breakup with Rachel and all of this hospital drama plus all of the drama with us. I think it's just a bit much for him"
"He... He wants to commit suicide?" her eyes look worried and her bottom lip trembles.
"He didn't tell you? But Elle, I'm worried that your outburst might be the final push he needs to do it. He said that he even had a plan for how to do it if it ever came to it. He wants to try and drown himself"
"He wants to throw himself off the pier... He's always said he'd love to jump off it one day but I've always told him that he would drown if he did. Maybe he's been giving me hints this whole time"
"Elle, you are the only person he'll listen to. You have to stop him. As much as you're hurting right now, he has people who love him. And I know that deep down, you love him too"
"Noah, I really hope that you're right. I'll try and stop him"
"Thank you Elle." I breathe out, relieved.
She doesn't reply, just runs out as fast as she can, so she can try and stop him.

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