Break Up Pt. 2

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Paulina and Sofia stays up all night talking about what had happened. Sofia's management wanted her to cut things off with Y/N. They thought it would make things easier for her career and that the drama would boost popularity. But how could Sofía throw all those memories of the beautiful relationship she had out the window? It just wasn't possible.

Sofia regretted not being able to even look at you but what else could she have done. She didn't want this nightmare to be real but it was. She didn't want to believe that she wasn't going to wake up from this.

"Sof, you have to tell her," Paulina said.

"How do you tell someone that you can't be seen with them again?" Sofía wiped her eyes.

"I don't know..."

"Exactly. I—"

Sofia's phone started going off and she saw it was Y/N. She looked to her sister who nodded and answered it with a sniffle.

"Sof..." you said, sounding like you were in tears. "I just got a call..."

Sofia went wide eyed and got up, going to her room and closing the door. She waited for you to finish while she paced her room.

"Is this why you wouldn't even look at me?" You asked through sobs. "Because they told you we can't be together anymore? Why wouldn't you tell me this? I have to get a call in the middle of the night instead?"

"Y/N/N, please don't," Sofia didn't know why to say. Don't what? Don't... what?  You had every right to be upset. To yell and cry, to not even talk to her. Yet here you were and once again Sofia didn't know what to say.

"Sofia, are we breaking up?" You asked finally after moments of you two sobbing and sniffling.

"I can't do this over the phone," Sofia let out a shakey breath.

"Look our your window then."

Sofia rushed out to the window she'd watched you leave from. Seeing you there, sitting on the hood of your car.

"I'll be right there," she said and hung up, quickly dressed and rushing downstairs. Paulina shouted for her and went to look out the window. When she saw you she gave a solem nod and wave.

You waited until the clinking of Sofia's shoes on the metal stairs sounded. She was panting when she got to the ground and looked at you for a moment. Taking in everything and trying to figure out what was about to happen all in a mater of seconds.

 Taking in everything and trying to figure out what was about to happen all in a mater of seconds

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You got off your car's hood and waited for her to come to you. Your fingers were red from the cold and your breath fogged around your face. Sofia has a look of shock and disbelief mixed with sadness. She was denying this too. She was trying to figure what was about to happen.

As she made careful steps towards you, you couldn't help but think; even though she was about to break your heart, she was still the most beautiful thing you'd ever seen.

"Y/N," she was now less than half a foot away. So close you could have kissed her without moving much, which is exactly what you wanted to do but couldn't move.

She wanted it too, her eyes would go from yours to your lips. Neither of you dared to move.

"What're we going to do?" You asked after another moment of silence.

Sofia cupped your cheek and put her forehead to yours. Tear streaks covered her cheeks and you  watched as her eyes closed, trying to stop more from coming. Suddenly she kissed you. It was passionate, almost needy. You feel everything through it. Her heart trying to beat out of her chest, her hands trembling against your skin. Her slight relief and panic mixed together.

Your eyes slowly closed, allowing yourself to melt into her. You both needed the closure, but you both knew it would only make it so much harder. When you needed air, you both pulled away, only centimeters between your faces.

"I love you," you whispered, shutting your eyes tightly as if you could make this go away and when you opened them everything would be fine.

"I love you too," Sofia replied,  stroking your cheekbones with her thumbs. "But Y/N..."

She pulled away slowly, swiping her own tears and regaining her composure. You looked at her pleadingly, hoping she wouldn't say the words you'd never thought you'd hear from her. But she did...

A/N: Would it be better to leave this as is or make a part 3? I kinda want to go in depth with their confrontation

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A/N: Would it be better to leave this as is or make a part 3? I kinda want to go in depth with their confrontation... Lemme know!

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