Planning For Your Wedding

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SHORT VERSION (SOFIA): She was beyond happy throughout the whole prosess. She absolutely loved looking through catalouges to pick out flowers, looking for dresses, sending the invitations... She might as well have taken over the wedding planner's job.

SHORT VERSION (YOU): You weren't as on top of things like Sofia was. You kind of went with the flow and weren't as thrilled that you had  to dress up. Sofia insisted that you had to and you had to have bridesmaids too. It upset you at first that she was so strict with it all and after a serious fight about it you both worked out that you had a say in things. 

LONG VERSION (BOTH): You walked up behind Sofia as she sat at the dinner table looking though--of course--more catalouges. That gave you an uneasy feeling. Was it possible to be too into planning your wedding? Possibly. Was Sofia too into it? Quite possibly.

"Hey Belle," you said, dropping a kiss on her head.

"Hi," she looked up at you with an adorable smile that was contagious. "So I found this thing and I thought it would be perfect!"

You looked over her shoulder and at the page she was pointing at. Your eyes widened and you forced a fake smile.

"Uh, its nice," you say awkwardly. "What is it?"

"It's the center piece for the room, the cake will go next to it and then the--"


"Um, babe," you sit in the chair next to her. "Isn't that a bit... I don't know, much?"


She raised her eyebrow at you and you sighed. You weren't very religious and your parents were extremely religious. They weren't the "okay with gay" Christians either. You never brought this up around Sofia because she herself was religious and you never wanted that to be an issue so you just told her you were open minded.

Your parents weren't as accepting as one could hope. You couldn't hide having girls over or going over to other girls' houses from them for forever and when they caught you in bed with one... It didn't end so well. They didn't kick you out but they tried to turn you completely straight as if it was a switch or something. You weren't allowed out of the house wiuthout them and were given a curfew from that point.

Now that you're an adult, you had minimal contact with them. You told them about your relationship with Sofia but no response was made and after awhile you gave up. You didn't want them in your life if they weren't accepting but then again who would?

You'd done fine on your own. You had a job, an education, and now a beautiful fiancée. But faith... Religion? That wasn't a thing for you.

"Y/N?" Sofia said and snapped her fingers in front of your face. "You okay?"

"Well, no," you said honestly.


"Because I don't want a cross center piece at my lesbian wedding?" You more so asked instead of anwsered.

Something changed in Sofia's expression andit made you more uneasy.

"Our  wedding," she clarified. "And why not? You always say you never care about this stuff anyway."

"I never care to believe it," you said, suddenly angry and defensive.

"You don't have to believe in a center piece."

"That's not the point--"

"Then what is?"

"Nothing," you got up and went the bedroom. This wsn't soemthinhg you could argue about with her. Especially her of all people.

"Y/N! You can't just walk away from this you know," Sofia appeared in the doorway.

"Well I just did so," you shrugged and pushed past her.

"What is with you? I thought you'd be happy that I'm basically doing all the work so your lazy ass doesn't have to."

Your jaw dropped. No way in hell did Sofia just cuss for one or say something like that. You looked at her in disbelief.

"You really just--" you shook your head. "You do realize you've been a control freak about this whole thing right? I have to wear a dress at our  wedding. I have to have bridesmaids at our wedding. This isn't our wedding, its yours!"

"If you helped then maybe it would be ours," she rolled her eyes.

"Wow, just wow," you looked at the engagement ring on your finger. "Why'd you even get me a ring then? Why've you been with me all these years? That's pretty stupid if I never do anything."

"Y/N,  you know that's not what im tring to say--"

"Then what is it?"

"Calm down, please," she sighed and grabbed your hand, pulling you to the bed and sittin gyou down. "Please don't cry."

"I'm not," you said as you reached up and wiped your face. You were crying... "Sof--"

"Look, I'm sorry for what I said, things have just been stressful lately," Sofia said. "Can you tell me what really just happened?"

You were still angry but you knew she deserved an explantion. So you told her, which led to both of you sobbing in each others' arms.

"We won't have the center piece," Sofia said after you both calmed down. "But I think we should invite your parents..."

"Why?" you asked simply.

"I don't want you to regret not doing it," she reached over and grabbed your phone. "I know you have their numbers so don't try to act like you don't. I won't make you do it but if want me to I will and I'll definetly be here for when you call them."

You looked up at her and kissed her passionately. She smiled into it and you both held it for a few moments, just enjoying the contact. When you pulled back you looked to your phone and found your mom's contact. Surprisingly she answered when you called.

"M-mom?" You said weakly.

A/N: I just wanted to write this because this popped into my head. Im not religious if you cant tell and I don't have a problem with people who are so please don't be upset with this chapter. I just feel like itll make the wedding more interesting and possibly other parts too. but anyway, love you guys so much!!

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