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SHORT VERSION (BOTH): You would always surprise her. Whether you brought her flowers and wasabi peanuts or took her somewhere. Sofia normally was always busy and on travel so whenever she got the chance to do anything for you she would. She would occasionally fly you out to wherever she was and you would spend a leg of her press tour with her.

LONG VERSION (YOU): You quickly parked outside the apartment complex. You had Paulina in on your surprise for Sofia. She had just flown in but you had told her you were working on a night shoot. She was bummed to say the least but understood.

Pau texted you that she was watching Netflix on the couch so you had to be really quiet coming up the fire escape. Great, you thought. The klutz makes her entrance...

You sighed in defeat realizing how bad of an idea this was. How are you supposed to be quiet on some old metal stairs? Not to mention if you slipped you were caught. These things creek like nobody's business.

You got the flowers and wasabi peanuts from the passenger seat and made your way over to the fire escape. You looked up and groaned at how they were like seven floors up. You had to mentally prepare yourself for the long and periless journey.

"Okay self," you mumbled to yourself as you climbed.  "Easy does it, you've been waiting three months for this." You froze as the step creaked and cursed yourself repeatedly.

Paulina texted you...

Pau: WTF are you tryin to blow it??? I just had to Superman five to the window!!

You: hehe sorry.......

You sighed in relief and kept moving, slowly but surely. Slow and steady wins the race. Okay, you've got to stop using these metaphors, you thought and continued up.

You sighed greatfully. "One more flo—" you had spoken to soon.

Your foot caught the edge of the step and you slipped, barely catching yourself and dropping the flowers and peanuts. You're knee banged into a step and you fell against the railing you couldn't help but start yelling.

"Fuck— Shit— Ow!" You immediately clapped your hand over your mouth. Welp, fin you weren't screwed before you were now.

You heard rapid footsteps come down and Paulina crouched in front of you, Sofia looking out the window with her hands over her mouth.

"You're such a klutz," Pau rolled her eyes and couldn't help but laugh. "She's gonna kill you for messing up your knee."

Your goraned at how it had swelled. It throbbed but you were too embarrassed to actually care. You messed up the surprise.

"C'mon let's get you up there," Paulina sighed and hoisted you up, letting you lean on her the rest of the way up. She kept teasing you and literally burst out with laughter when you fell through the window.

Sofia was giggling too but held most of it back. She helped you to the couch and got you an ice pack. She propped your foot up and set the iceberg pack on gently.

"So do I want to know why you were on the fire escape?" Sofia asked.

"Well," You stammered nervously. "Uh— I brought you flowers and wasabi peanuts!"

You had no idea why you blurred that out.

"Uh huh," she raised her eyebrow. "Where would those be?"

Fuck, you thought as you looked around frantically. You must of dropped them.

"It's the thought that counts right?" You rubbed the back don you headbwth a nervous smile.

Sofia Carson Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now