Wedding Day

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You stood behind the doors with Sofia, your anxiety overwhelming you. You didn't have anyone to give you away so a last minute plan was made and even though it wasn't considered appropriate Sofia had offered to walk out by herself right before you.

Her parents were very considerate to allow it and you were beyond thankful. You'd been spending most of that day trying not to ruin your outifit or makeup and couldn't focus on anything else. Now that the ceremony was seconds away from starting everything seemed to suddenly hit you.

"You'll be fine I promise," Sofia told you reassuringly as the doors opened and she took her position to walk down the aisle.

You could only nod and watch as the music played and she began her walk. She was everything one could hope to look like. Tall, graceful, elegant. You were in awe as was everyone who watched. She had the most beautiful smile across her lips and what seemed like a sparkle in her eye which caused your stomach to erupt with butterflies.

They announced you next and you tried to control your breathing. Your heart was beating out of your chest and you looked up to see Sofia looking at you and smile. You nodded and your feet started moving.

Walk on your toes, don't rush, smile, look happy... 

All these thoughts went through your head and you stepped onto the alter, and allowed Sofia to take your hands in hers. She was smiling proudly and nodded to the preacher. The man cleared his throat and as if on cue the doors opened and two people slipped in.

You recognized them instantly and it sent chills down your spine.

What're they doing here?! You thought. Sofia's eyes were regarding you worriedly and you gulped.

"Sof..." you said so only she could hear. "It's them..."

Her smile faded as she turned and looked over towards the back row.

Her smile faded as she turned and looked over towards the back row

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"Y/N..." she saw the look of panic slowly grow on your face. "It'll be okay."

"Excuse me ladies," the preacher said rather loudly. "Is there a problem?" Normally you would've made a snappy remark but this wasn't the time for that.

Sofia quickly spoke up. "She's just nervous, please continue." You did your best to nod in agreement as you squeezed Sofia's hands. Her thumbs moved over your knuckles soothingly but it had no affect on you.

"I-i'm sorry," you said and shook your head. "I-I need to go—"

"Y/N!" Sofia grabbed you quickly and held you. "Do you really want to do this? This is how you want to remember our special  day?"

You shook your head, realizing how dumb you probably looked. Already ruining your special day and everything. Well... it wasn't you ruining it, it was them. If they hadn't shown up everything would be fine. It's their fault...

"Sir, can we speed this up?" You said as you stood back once your former place.

"That's not very professional—"

Sofia Carson Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now