Chapter 2: Team Avatar

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A/N: Hey there! So I had time and decided to make another Chapter. I hope that everyone who read the first one liked it. Now on to the second chapter!

Your POV:

We just landed at the Air Temple. I get off of Oogi and look around. Its been a while since I've been here, two years to be precise. I always liked walking around the Temple and exploring it, and waking up early to watch dawn. 'Ahh, it's good to be back.' I was then broken out of my thoughts by someone calling my name.

"Huh?" I turn around to see Jinora."Y/N! Come with us, we will show you your room!" She says to me.

"Oh, it's okay Jinora, I already know the way to the Men's Dormitory." I reply back, reassuring her.

She then looks at me with a confused look. "Y/N what are you talking about? Didn't Mom and Dad tell you?" She asks me, still having that confused look on her face.

I only return the confused look. "Tell me what, Jinora?" I ask, not understanding what she wants. I always stay in the Men's Dormitory, why is it different now?

Before Jinora could reply back, Ikki came out of nowhere and replied in her place. "You're staying with us at our house, of course! Dad said that he wants you to be with us as much as possible for your training. Plus, Mom said that she would really like it if you stay, you're like our big brother! And we've known you for a long time." She said, sounding really excited.

I then turn to look at Pema, who just got off of Oogi with the help of Tenzin. "Are
you two sure that you want me to stay at your house? Like I said, I don't know how much time I would be here and I don't want to intrude, you are already helping me by training me, Tenzin." I ask them with a worried look on my face.

They both smile at me before Pema replies "Don't worry about it Y/N, like we already said, you are welcome to stay for as long as you'd like to. We're happy to let you stay at our house." While rubbing her round stomach.

I give them my biggest smile and thank them.

"Well then, shall we go inside?" Tenzin asks.

Everyone nods. "Let's go Y/N! To your room!" Meelo shouts while making a ball of Air as he rides on it to the house.

I only chuckle at his mischief and follow him with Jinora and Ikki. 'Yup, it's good to be back.' I think to myself with a smile.
Korra's POV:

Mako, Bolin, Asami and I are all at the Air Temple's Plaza, sitting on the small stairs and talking about Amon's recent attack and not being able to Pro-Bend, because of the fact that the arena got destroyed and the tournament was put to an end.

"Ugh, life is boring without Pro-Bending, I hate Amon even more now." Bolin says with an angry but sad look on his face, while petting Pabu who is sitting on his shoulder.

Mako sighs at that, folding his hands. "Yeah, I have to agree with you, Bo. But the sooner we stop this madness, the sooner we get Pro-Bending back." He replies to his younger brother.

"Don't forget that it's also the sooner that people, especially benders, get their lives back." Asami tells Mako.

"The guy is talking about balance but all he's doing is bringing chaos to this world." I say with an angry look.

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