Chapter 4: Shopping

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'This is not what I had in mind when I thought about shopping for new clothes.' Y/N thought to himself, as Pema and Asami were running around the shop, trying to find yet another outfit for the young man.

"Uhm girls don't you think this is a bit too much?" He asked, sweat-dropping while looking at the pile of clothes sitting on the counter.

"It's never too much. Plus, we don't know how much time you'll be staying here for, so better be safe than sorry." Pema responded.

Y/N only sighed at the comeback and sat down on the floor. As the two women ran around the shop, he dozed off and slowly slid down to a laying position.

Y/N's Dream:

"Aang, wait up!" A teen, who looked similar to him, called as he ran to the boy, presumably his friend.

"Come on slowpoke! We don't have all day! Katara and Sokka will come back soon!" Aang responded as he stopped to let his friend catch up with him.

"Oh, come on. I'm not a slowpoke, you're just full of energy all the time!" The teen said, after he finally caught up with Aang.

"You know why! Anyways, let's go, we need to find some food and fast." His friend responded, before running off again.

The teen sighed before he started running after him.

"How is it my fault that you forgot to get us food for today?!" He shouted at Aang.

"Well it's not, but you know I'm not the best at finding food for us, and Katara will kill me if she finds out about this!" He shouted back.

"You can literally fly around to find food!" The teen responded angrily without looking at what's in front of him.

Suddenly, he hit a branch and fell down on his back.



" up!"

"...WAKE UP!"

End of Dream

Y/N woke up startled and immediately sat up.



"Hey! Watch out next time!" A familiar voice called out.

Y/N, who was still a little drowsy, tried to focus on the person in front of him. A few seconds later, he finally recognized them, rubbing their head from the pain.

"Korra?! What are you doing here? I thought you had training!" The young man asked, shocked.

"Well, I was a little bored from meditating with Tenzin, so he let me off. Then I remembered that you were shopping today so I came by to see how it's going." She said sheepishly, as she rubbed the back of her head.

"Oh, well, I didn't think I'd see you today so it's nice that you came." He smiled at her.

"Heh, sure. By the way, why were you sleeping on the floor?" She asked with her trademark smirk.

"Uhm, Asami and Pema were taking really long so I sat down on the floor and just fell asleep at some point."

"Ah. I get you, I hate shopping as well, and I know how much they can both take while doing so." She comforted him.

"Speaking of that, are they done yet? We've been here for atleast 3 hours." Y/N asked.

"Yes, they are paying right now." She responded to him.

Y/N quickly stood up and speed walked with Korra behind him to the cash register where Asami and Pema were standing with the literal mountain of clothes.

"Oh my..." Both Y/N and Korra said to themselves with shocked looks on their face as they looked at the amount of clothes, before snapping back into reality and confronting the two women who were about to pay.

"Wait, don't!" He said hurriedly.

Pema and Asami turned to look at him with questioning looks.

"I can't let you pay for all of this, let me do it. Those are for me anyways, I should pay for them." He answered the unasked question.

"Y/N it's okay, we can pay for it. Think of it as a welcome gift." Asami said with a warm smile.

"But..." He started.

"No buts, just let us pay for you." Pema stopped him while also smiling.

"Wait, I'm not even going to wear all of these clothes, I may even wear only one or two outfits while I'm here." He said.

"That's okay, we're aware of that." Asami responded.

He sighed in defeat and let the women pay for the clothes. Once the four were finally out of the shop, Y/N suddenly recalled his weird dream with the young Avatar Aang and a teen who looks exactly like himself. Aang even mentioned Katara and Sokka. After a few minutes, when they were already on the boat back to the Air Temple Island, he decided he'll talk about it with Tenzin only if it happens again.

'I mean, it's probably nothing, right?Everyone has weird dreams once in a while...' he thought to himself.

Hey guys! So sorry for not updating for so long. It's been more than six months since the last chapter update. I guess I was being lazy with it for a while, but I did have a lot of school work to do so R.I.P.

Anyways, sorry for the disappointing and short chapter, but I hope you've enjoyed it even though it's short. Anddd welp, till next time I guess? (Which is hopefully not in two years).

P.S: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 7k+ READS (almost 8k). I know it's not much, but I didn't think this story will get more than 1k reads if not less. So thank you again!

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