>|Chapter 3|<

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I had to put this hottie up there👆

3rd person POV
Jack looked at himself in the mirror. In a flash of light, he could've swore he saw one for his pupils are green, the other one still blue. He saw that red line across his neck. The pale green skin. And the glitching. No,nonononono. It can't be. It cant be real. He can't be real. Maybe I'm just going paranoid or my mind is tricking me from that shooting I did with Mark! It's impossible. Jack thought to himself. He sighed, washed his face with some cool water. He dried his face with the towel, unlocked the door and entered out of the bathroom,closing it behind him. The guys were all starting to get ready. "When are we leaving again?" Jack asked. "1 minute right now" Dan(Middleton) replied. "Thank God it wasn't Mark this time" Jack asked putting a hand on his chest. "Hahaha. Not funny" Mark rolled his eyes. "It's time now" a guy said holding  2 folders in each hand said passing the gang. "Ready boys?" Nate asked."As ready as I'll ever be" Ethan said. "Let's go!" Felix said running to the main stage. Everybody soon started running after Felix into the main stage until they were all up there. Very loud cheers, screams and fangirlings were heard. Almost too loud to make them deaf. After everybody calmed down mark spoke up first "Damn guys, you made us all almost deaf" Mark chuckled. Everybody cheered and started laughing. "So how about we play a tiny game before starting ?" Another string of shouting were heard. "I'll take that as a yes" Ethan said. "Okay, I'll start off with Mark." Jack said, walking over to Mark, putting a hand over his head. Loud scream emitted from the people. "Jesus Christ, okay then" Jack giggled. He moved in to Ethan "How about this formal-blue Boi?" Louder screams emitted from when Ethan tried to act innocent. "Haha! Jokes on you, dickhead" Ethan laughed at Mark. "Fuck off" "Okay to the next one" Jack said moving on to Felix. Same amount of screams heard from Ethan, were heard to Felix. "Okay that's a tie, well sort it out later" "Aha! Don't think acting innocent will make you win, asshole" Felix said to Ethan "Shut the fuck up" Ethan crossed his arms over his chest, fake pouting. "Will you ever stop cursing for once, Felix?" "oh, for fucks sake, Jack, come on. Ethan and Mark cursed" Felix said "So you will copy them? "Jack said, earning 'oo's from the crowd." Wait until we are over with this, McLoughlin." "Haha, as if I'm scared" "I'll make sure you will be scared" Felix said, Jack sighed and walked over to Phil "How about this good 'ol big boy right here" screams louder a bit from Ethan and Felix were earned. "Hey! I'm not a big boy, I'm a man" Phil said. "Prove it" Jack replied. "Jack, I swear to god, you will be triggered" Mark said pointing at Jack. "Lemme see, maybe he is the same age as me" "Jack, Mark's right, if he said it, you are dead of shame" Dan(howell) said. "I want to know, I said, Philip Lester" Jack said as if he had won a fight. "31" Phil blurted out. Another string of 'oo's had been earned. Jack dropped open his mouth slightly "Wait, w-what?"Jack stuttered. "Told ya buddy" Dan(howell) said trying to hold back a laugh. "B-but how?!? We are more younger than you and you haven't married yet?!? How old are again, Middleton?" Jack asked. "26" "What in the name of fuck?" Jack said running a hand across his hair. "Phil, how? Middleton is much younger than you and he's already married!" Jack retorted. "I know, but I'm not into relationships really" Phil shrugged. "You know what? Continue Jack. We will discuss about that age issue later" Mark said. "Alrighty" Jack said moving on the Dan (howell). With Jack putting his hand over Dan's head, Dan immediately put a heart-warming smile, both if his hands resting under his chin. That huge amount of screams could've been heard by neighbors. "Jesus lord" Jack said. He moved on to Dan (Middleton) and Nate, but earning the same as Phil. Jack rested his hand over his hand, and the most loudest screams were heard, that the microphone made that annoying sound. "Ahaha bitches! I won over all of you. I'm  the most cutest and most innocent one!" Jack said throwing punches in the air. "Yup, sure whatever" Mark said.

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