Chapter 1

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(Your POV)
I stepped out of school and into the chilling air that was being brought by the up and coming winter. I smiled as I took in a cold breath and walked towards home. I said good bye to a few people as I left, when my phone went off. “Hello?”

“Yo (FN), you logging on today?” It was my best friend Yamato Kurasaki, AKA Biotic. 
“You know it. I am just walking home now. Meet you online in like….thirty minutes. After I grab a quick bite?” I said.
“Sure, you know where to find me.” He said and hung up.

I sighed. Yeah, I did. Kurasaki was special. As in he was a medivel warrior, living in the modern age. Didn’t matter if he was a Gnome in ALO or the Burser in GGO, man always had the vibe of ‘Honor and glory for all!’ I chuckled at the thought and jogged home. 

I stopped at a corner store and after grabbing something to tied me over, I got home and ate. I got into something more comfortable and took off my glasses, before I put on my headgear. (I do not know how to spell it and the internet is no help at the time.)

I smiled and closed my eyes. “Link start!” 

(In Gun Gale Online)
I opened my eyes and looked around at the hub city. I smiled and gave my fingers a quick crack before hopping off the platform and walking towards the shop. I needed to restock on a few things, because me and Kurasaki were going out to test the new skills dropped. 

Last week, the admins introduced a new sort of skill tree, where players can have some sort of cybernetics placed in to enhance a few aspects. They weren’t cheap and defiantly had a drawback, but feedback says they are worthwhile.

I didn’t get any of the cyber-stuff put into me, but Kurasaki did, so I am going to keep an eye on him. I entered the shop and went to the DMR section, looking through the ammo for the live-ammo. As I looked through, I heard a voice I could never tired of hearing.

“Going hunting?” I turned around and saw Asada Shino, or as everyone knows her by, Sinon. Winner of two Ballet of Bullets. She recently began playing ALO, but I would see her every so often show up in GGO to take a break from fantasy for some Sci-fi. 

“Kinda. Biotic wanted to test some new skills he got, and I am along for the ride.” I said. 
“Oh? Is it that new cybernetic stuff?” She asked.
“Yeah. He got some.”
“And you?”
“Nah. I like keeping it natural.” I said, flashing a peace sign.
Sinon giggled. “Well, nice running into you.” She said and began to walk away.

“Wait.” I called out and she turned to look at me. “You want to join us?” I asked. Sinon smiled before shaking her head. “Sorry, but I am meeting up with Dyne and a few others.” She said and I just smiled. “Oh, well, then guess another time.” I said with a small chuckle. Sinon nodded and left. I simply let out a sigh before going back to my shopping.

(Later, Out in the wastes)
Biotic was loading his shotgun as I drove the jeep towards some nearby ruins. “So, you stuck out again?” He asked and I sighed. “Wasn’t really striking out. She just went to hang out with others.” I said.

“Still. You struck out.” I sighed and parked the jeep, before grabbing my rifle and making sure it was all loaded up. “Look, what do you want me to say? Or do?” I asked him and we began walking. “Simple, go up to her and tell her how you feel.” He said, in a almost mocking tone. 

“Oh sure, like it is that easy.”
“It is.”
“Doubt it.”
“Won’t know till you try.

We walked down the streets for a bit. I turned on my glasses heat seaking mode and spotted a few Sand-Raptors up ahead. (AN: There will be a lot of creatures I made in this series.) “Biotic, San-Raptors up ahead.” I draw my rifle and got down on one knee. He did too and drew his shotgun. 

“How many?” He asked and I looked. “I am counting five, but there could be more.” I said. I aimed my rifle. “Your call.” He said. “I’ll take two down, and you show me what that money bought.” I said and he grinned. 

Biotic stood up and readied himself. I narrowed my gaze and let out a small breath, before firing. The first shot nailed one right in the head, turning it into crystals. Second, one’s throat, killing it. I fired one more shit, but by then they were running and it only nailed his shoulder.

Biotic grinned as the Raptors charged. Biotic aimed and fired a shot. The pellets turned one for the Raptors into crystals, but one two where still running after us. I just watched as some sort of energy formed around him and he charged. His whole body slammed into one and I guess the force was enough to kill it. The second open jumped up but before it could land, I fired three quick shots and took it down.

He towards me. “I had it.” He said and I just shrugged. “I know, but still.” I said. 

We began walking and spent the next two hours hunting. Sand-Raptors were the man thing we found, but there were a few Razer-Backs. (Large Lizards that stand on all fours.) I got to see what Biotic called the Biotic Charge and Lance. 

I do admit, they were quite good, but I didn’t care much to get any myself. Again, all natural. We kept on going until we heard a gun shot, followed by a dozen more. “Battle up ahead?” Biotic asked.

“One way to find out.” I said and we ran towards it. As we got closer, the muzzle flashes hit and I recognized the cowboy looking Dyne and Sinon.  The group were pinned by these guys. From what I can see, each one had the same patch on their armor. “Gunners!” 

(AN: Incase anyone doesn’t know, they are a group of Mercs from Fallout 4)

I got down on one knee and aimed down my sights. I switched to burst rate and fired. Three Gunners went down fast. Both groups saw me as Biotic ran by and used his Biotic charge. He slammed into a few Gunners. The rest focused on him, while me and the others opened fired and wiped out any the remaining men. 

I got up and walked over. “Oh man, thanks for the assistants.” Dyne said. “No problem, me and Biotic were in the area and heard the gun shots.” I told him.

Sinon walked over and smiled. “Still, thanks for the help.” She said. 
“You know why the Gunners attacked you?” Biotic asked.
“No clue. We were walking when a laser flew pass us. Bullet began to fly and that was it.” Dyne said.
“True, Gunners are known to just shoot first question later.” Biotic said.
“Yeah, but who cares.” Dyne said. “May I ask what you two are doing out here?” 
“Testing my new powers.” Biotic said and made his arm glow.
“Ah awesome!” One of Dyne’s guys said.

I chuckled as Biotic showed off. I walked over to the side and sat down checking my clip. Sinon sat next to me. “Hay, I was wondering if tomorrow you would like to join me for a quick dungeon run?” She asked. “Like….the two of us?” I asked and Sinon nodded. “Yeah, I mean, you and I haven’t hung out for a bit, so I thought we could do that.” She said.

“Sure! We totally could. So um, where do you want to meet?” I asked.
“Here.” Sinon send me coordinates and I smiled.
“Awesome.” My watch went off and I checked it. “Oh, I have to go.” I said.
“Alright, then I see you tomorrow.” Sinon said and waved.

I waved back as I ran to my jeep, Biotic staying behind. I drove off and once back at the Hub city, I got out and after picking a place, I logged off.

(Real World)
I opened my eyes and sat off. Taking off my device, I placed it down and couldn’t help but blush a bit. “I get to hang out with Sinon tomorrow…almost like a date.” I said and couldn’t help to giggle a bit.

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