Chapter 2

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Full Metal Chpt 2 (Sinon X Mreader)

by dragonslayerman6, Apr 4, 2017, 7:05:49 AMLiterature / Fan Fiction / Sci-Fi

AN: Next chapter!! 

(Your POV)
I sat in my desk, eagerly bouncing my leg, and looking at the clock. I was anxty, since that today, I was going to be with Shino. I have met her in IRL and spent time with her there, but we like to hang out more in GGO. I smiled as finally the clock turned and I pretty much ran out the door.

After finishing my sandwich and changing I jumped onto my bed, removed my glasses and put on my headgear. I laid down and closed my eyes. “LINK START!”

I spawned and when I did, I walked down the steps and head towards the garage. But before getting there, something caught my attention. “And opening soon, the new event: Rise of Metal. Be sure to keep an eye out and keep those EMPs handy.” The billboard said. 

I looked at it, but just missed the pictures. Sure, I will hear about it from someone. I got into my jeep but had to calm down. “Calm FullMetal. Just, don’t look too desperate or whatever. Just get there, and do whatever is planned.” I took a breath and started the jeep.

I began to drive as the scenery went from the dim Hub to the wastes. I jumped out of my jeep and checked my map. I looked towards this little mountain. Not surprised she would meet somewhere up high and away from whatever. 

I began my walk towards the mountain. I smiled at the first day meeting Sinon. It wasn’t exactly a comfortable meeting.

Biotic was off at his grandparents, do I decided to do a little soloing. I was in the woodland area, rifle as the ready as I headed towards…..guess anywhere. As I walked, I felt eyes on me and that was when the prediction line came. 

I jumped as the shot was fired and a large whole was made in the ground. I hid behind some brush and looked towards where the bullet came from. My first instinct was to just run, but I wanted to see who was taking the shot. I turned on my glasses and saw someone shifting in the shadows. I couldn’t tell who it could be, if I even knew the person, but I had this feeling.

I got down and quickly moved from tree to tree, making sure not to get into her sights. As I crouch-ran towards the position, still checking if they were there, that was when I saw another line come. “Crap!” I dodged the gun shot again and decided, since I was close enough, to sprint. As I ran, the shots got more frantic and closer. I grinned switching my rifle to full-auto and fired. I shredded a few three branches as the shooter got down and ran. 

I ran once more, seeing if I can catch up. I dodged some pistol bullets and I drew mine. I fired back and they took cover. I decided to hide too and things got quiet. I closed my eyes and listened. They weren’t making any noise, but I can hear their breathing. I looked over my shoulder and smirked. 

I quickly snuck around, and when I was close enough, I quickly lashed around and when I pointed my gun, I saw the barrel of a pistol at my face too and that was when I saw my attacker.


(End of Flashback)
I finally made it up to the top and spotted Sinon. She was sitting looking over the land below. I smiled and walked over. “Hay Sinon.” I said. She turned and smiled. “Hay. You made it.”

“Of course. Wouldn’t miss a chance to hang out with my best friend.” I said.
“I thought Biotic was your best friend?”
“Best male friend. You are best female friend…..and my sniping buddy.” I said.
“Ah, okay.”
“So, what are we doing?” I asked her.

Sinon stood up and pointed. I saw and that was when I noticed the smoke. “I want to see what that is.” She said. “Alright.” I said. Sinon smiled and we headed down towards my jeep. Once we got to it, we took off and headed towards the smoke.

“So, what do you think it could be?” Sinon asked.
“Possibly a PvP?” I asked.
“Maybe, but the smoke has been there for a while.”
“Then a event location.”
“I guess. That new even is coming up.”

We arrived two miles from the sight and got out. We checked out gear just in case. While I was looking at the AR15, I glanced at Sinon. ‘Just tell her how you feel.’ Biotic’s words rang in my head. I shook it and went back to checking, before we headed over.

As we got closer, I saw tracks in the dirt. Serval footsteps, but also other, smaller steps. We got closer to the site and that is when it came fully into view. 

It did look like a battlefield, or more a horde mood. A house was full of holes from gun shots. Smoke came from a jeep that was blown to hell, while a NPC body or two where around it, crystals leaving wounds from their bodies. Two more bodies were slumped over some boxes. 

I walked forward and my foot hit something. I looked down and saw….a robot? “Sinon, check this out.” I knelt by the bot. Sinon walked over and looked as well. “Is that a robot?” She said.

“Yeah. I think this is what attacked them.” 
“The robot?”
“Yeah. I can’t tell with the wounds, but the markings on the barricade is a scorched mark, not bullet holes. That, and I only see three, compared to what looks like six or seven men.”
“Then why are they out here?” 
“I don’t know.”

I walked over to the make-shift barricade and looked through things, until I find a recorded. I picked it up and got notified about the new item. I opened my data and found it. 

Static buzzed a bit as Sinon walked over, before it began.

“Recon team Charlie. We have scouted the outer of Zeta. So far, no signs of Alpha and Bravo. We are still looking for a secured way in, other than the main highway. So far, nothing.” A voice, possibly the guy I go this off. “We will keep inspecting until-“
“Sir! Drones at Twelve!” Another voice said.
“Damn! Quick, back to the Humvee!” 

The recording ended and I looked around. “So, this was a scouting team. Sinon, is there a place called Zeta?” I asked her. Sinon pulled up her map and looked. She saw a new map location. Right there, was Zeta, and in a spot that was barren before. 

“Wow.” We said, and that was when a notification popped up. 

[Event Quest: Lost Team Complete]
[Event Quest Begin: Zeta City]

Me and Sinon looked at each other, then at the message. “Alright, guess we have a quest. Here, we should head back, and I’ll look into this event.” I said. Sinon nodded and smiled. “Alright. If you want, I can get some others with me.” She said.

“No, Kirito.” 
“You mean the only guy who uses a sword in GGO?”
“Yup, I’ll see if he wants to help out. And you can get Biotic.” She said.
“Well…..sure, why not. Four man party.” 

Sinon smiled and we quickly got into my jeep and headed back. Once at the hub world, I pulled up my menu when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to Sinon. “Full- I mean (FN), you um….maybe want to spend some time tomorrow, in the real world. Since today is Friday and all?” She asked, a slight blush on hers and mine faces.

“Uh, sure. W-we can do that. Will it be the two of us, or?”
“W-well, I was thinking, since you and me will be doing that event, and we are planning on Kirito and Biotic being with us….I kinda thought.” She said.
“Oh, yeah! You know, two birds one stone and all. W-we can totally do that.” I said. I was a bit disappointed, but I see what she was planning. 

“So, then in that case, see you tomorrow with Biotic.” I said rubbing the back of my neck and Sinon nodded. But what she did next kinda shocked me. Sinon leaned up a kisses my cheek, before running off and logging out. 

I just stood there stunned. 

(Real World, Shino’s (Sinon) POV)
I opened my eyes and sat off taking off the gear. A blush spread across my face as I thought about my action I just did. I kissed (FN)’s cheek. I curled up and put my head on my knees. I hope he feels the same.

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