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“This is way different then I thought it would be.” I said. I did a few jumps and stretches, getting use to the new body, and everything else. “Come on, it’s can’t be that different. Besides, you picked out everything.” Sinon said, her tail swaying lightly.

She was right, I did pick to be an Imp, and I did want to try out a more, heavy build, compared to my GGO character. Still tho, how did Biotic do it? I took out my hammer and gave it a few good swings, before sheathing it. 

Sinon and everyone convinced me to start playing ALO more, and I was enjoying it quite a bit. Course, I was a low level, but I have worked with a Hybrid character, so this guy shouldn’t be any different. “So, where did they say they would meet us?” I asked her.

“The woods near the Slyph starting zone. Come on.” She said and took out her wings. I took out mine, and we took off. “So, why did you pick Imp?” She asked. “I thought they looked cool.” I said.

“Really? Cause they looked cool?” 
Sinon just rolled her eyes as we flew further. “I could as you the same. Why are you a Cait Sith?” 
“I like cats.” She said.
“That is no better than my answer.” I said and she just sighed.

I just smiled and flew up next to her. “Anyway, how much further?” “Not too much.” Sinon said. She was right, cause in a matter of minutes, we arrived at the Slyph city. We landed and walked through the front gate. “Hay, weird question, but can I touch your tail?”

“WHAT?! No you cannot!” She said and was blushing while glaring at me.
“Fine.” But one day, I will

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