Chapter 4

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(Your POV)
I slowly began to open eyes when I felt someone sling me over their shoulder. When I got them cracked open, I saw the ground below me moving, then finally I opened them fully. I looked over and saw Kirito blocking gun fire as we ran. I tried moving and I felt who was holding me, which I assume is Biotic, stop running. 

“Hay, you are awake.” He said and set me down. I stubble a bit, but I stood firm.
“Crap. Where did that rocket come from?” I said.
“Roofs. They were waiting.” Kirito said.
“I assume ‘they’ are the robots?”
“Yeah, but-“ A bullet wizzes by Biotic’s head and we saw bots firing at us.

I got the idea and took out my AR15 and fired back. I took down a few bots as Kirito and Biotic rushed in and took out what I guess was the rest. I stood up and looked around. We were in a alley at the moment, it was dingy and damaged as most alleys go.

We decided to take the moment and look at the map. I placed it down and looked to see where we were. The map says we are in the eighth district, and the sixth was about a few miles away. “So we have quite the walk. Alright, let’s get going.” I said and stood up.

We got our weapons ready and moved. We stuck to the alleys for a bit, until we came to a courtyard. The place looked quite enough, but knowing GMs, it’s an ambush point. I was looking at the map for another route while Sinon was looking around with binoculars. “I don’t see anything so far. The only other path takes us closer to the battle zone. So, guess we are heading through the courtyard.” I said putting the map away.

I stood up and got my rifle ready and we began out trek across the courtyard. I kept my sights up as I looked around the roof tops and balconies. (Think of a sort of New York Apartment area.)

I felt on edge, being in the open like this. The tension in the air was think, almost to the point where I could cut it. It wasn’t quite tho, cause of the off distant gun fire. But then the little silence here was ended when there was a gun shot. The bullet barely missed me. “COVER NOW!” I said and everyone scrambled to cover. 

I was behind the fountain in the center with Kirito as Sinon and Biotic hid behind a bench. I peered over the edge before ducking under. “Don’t see anything. We need to draw him out.” I said. Kirito didn’t need an order as he quickly ran out and I saw the line of perdition. I looked over the edge quickly and aimed at the sniper. I fired, ending the bot’s life. 

“Got him.” I said, but this moment was ruined when we heard metal footsteps and we saw several bots running at us, before stopping and opening fire. I quickly switched to full-auto and opened fired as did everyone else. 

The bots weren’t hard to take down, they were actually more annoying at this point, because we would kill one and two more would spawn. I ducked under my cover to reload. “We need to move!” I shouted and looked around. I saw a small back street and pointed. “There!!” I said and everyone looked. They nodded and started to move. 

I got up and withdrew a EMP grenade and threw it. It landed and a dense part of the crowd and blew up, sending a shock wave through most of them. Everyone began running towards the street along with me. But course, I slip on something and fell over. I started to get up, when bullets hit the ground next to me. 

I looked to see serval bots ready to fire, but then several gun shots come from nowhere and took them out. I turned to see a cloaked person with their hand out. “Come on!” They said through a mask that muffled their voice. I grabbed their hand and they helped me up. I ran with the person and regrouped, before running off.

(Few Minutes later)
I panted as we finally came to a safe place to hide, this place being a small hotel. I sat down next to Sinon as we rested. Biotic sat in a chair and Kirito leaned against the from desk. The masked person was looking out the window, making sure none of the enemy was out there. “Good, they didn’t follow us.” They said and took down their hood and mask. It was a girl.

She was around our age, with black and purple hair, shoulder length. Biotic looked at her and almost seemed like a deer in head lights. I chuckled and he snapped out of it. “So, you guys must be Shark’s friends.” She said.

“Yeah, you Kisi?” I asked.
“No. My name is Emily. I am the sniper of Kisi’s team.” Emily said.
“Alright, then mind if we ask what you are doing out here?”
“I was out scouting, when I heard the gun fire. Then found you guys and figured you were the team Shark told us about.”
“And how did you do that.”
Emily pointed to Sinon, then Kirito. “These two.”
“Oh.” Both said.
“So, then the base isn’t that far away, huh?” I asked her and she nodded.
“Yeah, check point isn’t that far. Once there, you can rest up.”

I checked my watch. “Yeah, that would be best. I need to eat dinner at some point.” I said. Everyone agreed and we stood up and headed out. Emily lead the front, Biotic behind her, then Sinon, Kirito, and finally me. I kept an eye out as we passed through the streets.

“Hay Emily, what are the other districts like?” Biotic asked.
“People say the districts closest to the Master’s workshop are much nicer then these. These are more of the middle to poor class districts.” Emily told him.
“So, if there are tons of these guys here, then I doubt the numbers are good in the other districts.” Kirito said.
“Depends. Different units are in different districts. It’s possible that we’ll run into more vanguards and heavies.” She said.
“In that case, we better stock up.” I said.
“Right you are.”

We kept walking a bit further until we reached a walled off area. “This is a checkpoint, come on in.” Emily said and we walked in. It was a small town the inside, the only NPCs being the merchants, everyone else was a player. They were making sure their gear was up to date and everything. Emily lead us to the small inn and inside, we saw a large table with a few people by it. “Commander Kisi, I found the team.” Emily said and a woman with red hair, armored pretty decently. She smiled at us. “SO, this is the team my brother sent. Well, welcome to the Post.” She said.

“The ‘Post?’” I asked.
“It was a, spur of the moment name. But it doesn’t matter. Point is that you are here, and we can begin planning.” Kisi said. “But after tomorrow. Head upstairs and log out. You kids look like you need it.”

We just sigh in relief and head upstairs. We all pick different rooms, expect for me and Sinon. We sit on the bed and I sigh. I lay back and Sinon lays next to me. I smiled and kiss her cheek. She blushed a bit and I giggled. “Cute.”

“S-Shut up.” She hides her face and I put an arm around her. 
“Come on. Let’s log out. Maybe we can meet up?” I asked and Sinon looked at me.
“Isn’t it kinda late?” She asked and I checked the time.
“Yeah, it is. Damn. Well, maybe another time.” I said.

She smiled and leaned up to kiss me. I leaned down and kissed her. After a bit, we pull up the menus and logged out.

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