Chapter 8

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(Real World, Your POV)
I had gotten a text during school from Biotic, saying that Kisi had finish planning, so hence why I am pretty much sprinting home. I quickly texted Shino what is going on and she told me she was about to log in. When I got home, I quickly changed and jumped into bed. And quickly logged in.

I opened my eyes and sat up. I opened the door and Sinon was leaning against the wall. Biotic, Kirito and Emily were already in the hall too. "Are we waiting for something?" I asked. "Yeah, Kisi is telling the other teams their part of the plan." Emily said. "She has something special for us."

"Alright you five, come down." Kisi said and we headed down stairs. She stood by a table with her hands on it. A map of the factory was on the table. "So, guess we are ending this event today?" I asked. "That's right. We have a plan and everything. Bet you heard that the Gunners are gain more ground?" We nodded.

"Well, my brother said they will be hitting the factory today as well, even tho they have no knowledge of the facility. But since we do, we already have an advantage. So far: There are four entrances. The Gunners are planning to hit the south entrance. We will be hitting the east entrance. Now, we do not doubt that the factory won't be swarming with bots.

We will be making our way through the halls along the first floor. But you five, will be heading up to the master's control room." She said.

"Us? Just us?" Biotic said.
"Yup. He would be expecting a grand fire team. But not just five people. Besides, you guys did the hardest part of this stuff, be fare you guys end it." Kisi said.
"Can't say no to that....but you sure?" I asked her.
"I am sure. Besides, it's just a game, right?" Kisi asked. "Now, let's get moving. Time to get some fame." She said.

"Hai!" We said and set off to the factory. We bought ammo and the like, checking our gear like everyone else. I looked at all the men, joking and such. I went over my gear and made sure I was stocked up in Pule rounds and such. I smiled at the thought of clearing this event. Course, made me wonder who the master could be.

Sinon sit down next to me and leaned on me. We just enjoy the moment as everyone else is doing their thing. I smiled and put an arm around her. We stay like this until finally, everyone starts getting up and begin the walk to the factory.

The main force was course in the front, while me and everyone else hung in the back. I am surprised we haven't seen any bots yet, but maybe the master figured we were coming and pulled them back.


Or the Gunners.

Everyone drew their guns and looked around. Kisi told them it's just the Gunners assault and we had to get moving now. Everyone responded and we began running towards the factory. I kept my eyes on our rear as we near the east side of the factory.

We reached the gate leading to that side of the factory and I looked over at the south end. Smoke and fire came from it. Guess when they hit hard, they hit hard. I adjusted myself. If Kisi's plan works, not doubting it won't, then we have quite the ride to the top. I watched as two players bring out heavy laser rifles, or Railguns as they are called.


The gate blew open and we were met with gun fire instantly. Bullets and lasers flew as we began to fire back. I did as Kisi planned and waited behind cover with the others. I watched as players chuck EMPs at them and prepare the rifle again. They went off and several normal bots just ether shut off or exploded. While the heavy units just twitched.

They fired the rifle, hitting the heavy and a huge explosion hit and it blew up, sending a shock wave. "ALRIGHT! MOVE IN!" Kisi ordered and the players stormed in, guns a blazing. I gave them a second before I wave and we run, in as well. I watched as players moved in and I watched as doors opened on the floors above.

"VANGUARD!" A player shouted and several bots jumped out. Swords on their arms as they jumped down and they start slashing and stabbing. "Dammit! FullMetal! We'll blast the door open and you get inside!" She shouted and got the rifle out again. The man holding it got a Vanguard blade through the back but didn't stop him for firing and blowing a hole in the wall.

"Alright move!" I shouted and we ran through the battleground. Kirito and Biotic shot, pushed, or slashed any Vanguard that got close. We got inside and just kept running. I looked back and tossed a EMP. It stunned the Vanguard coming after us, but the normal and heavies kept up on us.

I drew my pistol and fired back, taking down a few but I had to keep dodging bullets as they kept coming. I reloaded and saw the elevators. "Come on!" I said and after getting past a pair of Vanguard, we made to them and quickly packed into one.

The doors closed just as a Vanguard jumped down and we shot up. Everyone sighed relived. "Jesus. Hopefully it gets easier?" Biotic said. Just then, the elevator stopped. "Biotic."

"Yeah FullMetal?"
"Please just say one liners."
"Jedi the door."

Kirito's brought out his sword and began cutting the door. Luckly, it was on a floor. One with a long hallway. We climbed out the elevator and the speakers activated.

"So, the two large armies where just a distraction. Clever humans. But still. Five humans cannot destroy me. The Master. You are on the Fifty-Seventh floor. (It was a faster elevator.) I am on the Sixty-Fifth. So you have a climb to make. Have fun."

The voice stopped and I sighed. "Well. Least we get some time to rest." I said and we began walking. "So, anyone wondering what we'll find?" I asked.

"Maybe it'll be some horrible amalgamation of flesh and machinery?" Biotic said and everyone looked at him.
"That would be awesome." Emily said and we all looked at her. Yeah, these two would be happy together.
"Maybe it'll be just a bunch of computers." Kirito said.
"Either way, should be an interesting fight." Sinon said.
"If we do fight." I said and everyone looked at me funny. "Anyone else notice that he sounded a bit.....smarter?" I said.
"Like, he wasn't your normal 'I am evil and I will take over the world!'. So, maybe we can talk our way out?" I offered.
"Maybe, but still. It could be a rouse." Biotic said.
"Only one way to find out."

We got to the stair case and made our way up. We reached the said floor and opened the door. Inside was what I expected. A long hallway, at the end a large door. Only difference, the large number of bots between us and them. We got our weapons ready.

Biotic raised a hand. "Hay, FullMetal, I just thought of something." He said.
"What?" I asked.
"Well. That is a lot of bots. And of course five of us. If we just charged our way through, one of us might get killed, if not, then heavily injured. Now, I do have an idea. But you might not like it....or you might. Who knows." Biotic said.
"And that is?" I asked him.
"Me, Emily, and Kirito fight our way through, clear a path. And you and your girl run on through." He said.
" are saying, the three of us get shot up, while they run through?" Kirito said.

"Yeah. But again. If we all try, we might be too injured to put off a fight. But if least two of us can get in. Then it could work. Plus, if FullMetal is right, he is the best option is talking to the boss. Finally: Best Sniper and someone like FullMetal, it will work. Besides, you understand where I am coming from with this Kirito. Honor and Glory for all." Biotic said.

Kirito sighed and smiled. "Well, in that cause, I am in." They looked at Emily and she just giggled. "Always got your back Bio!" She said. Biotic laughed and looked at me and Sinon. "Aright you two, you in?" He asked.

I looked at Sinon, and she looked back. She nodded and I smiled. "We are in." I said. Biotic held out his hand and we all put our hands into the circle. "SHORI!" We shouted and threw our hands up.

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