Chapter 3

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(Shino’s POV)
I sat next to Kazuto (Kirito) in Dicey Café as we waited for (FN) and Kurasaki to arrive. I looked at my watch. “They should be here soon.” I said. As if I just called them, the door opens and I see (FN) stick his head in. When he spotted me, (FN) waved and Kurasaki walked in. I smiled as they sat down. 

“So, I guess you are Kirito.” (FN) said.
“I am, and I guess you two are Sinon’s friends?” He said with a smile.
“Yup. (Full Name).” 
“And I am Yamato Kurasaki.” Kurasaki said.
“Nice to meet you two.” 
“Like wise.”
“So, what did you learn about this event?” I asked (FN).

“Alright, here.” He takes out a small laptop and opens it. It was on the MMO Tomorrow page and pulled up to GGO. “So, as boards says, the event is called ‘Rise of Metal’. It’s a robotic themed, and so far, the story is that a Robotics Expert was sick of humans, and pretty much went crazy, put himself inside a core and now runs Zeta, the city which they come from. 

The way they are doing this is interesting. How normal events, people would try and go in one run. Due to the size of Zeta, there a several check points, which players can log in and out. These also come with shops.

Finally, from people say, the finally part is the center lab, where it is recommended that players should gather into a group of forty to fifty.”

When (FN) finished, he was met with instant questions. “How do we get in?” Kazuto asked. “Yes, three in fact. First is the main highway.” (FN) pulls up a map of the city and points. “That is the most direct way in, but also the most dangerous. Like the highway, another dangerous way in is through here.” He points at a wall to the south. 

“Some players blew a hole in the wall, and not it is a warzone there. The last way in is through here.” He points to a small-water looking opening. “It’s a sewer drain, it’s the sneakiest way in, but when some players tried, they said that it was pretty small and the insides are full of different enemies.”

“So no matter what, we are walking into a death trap, we just have to pick the right one.” Kazuto asked.
“Yup, but we already have a plan.” Kurasaki said and pointed to the ‘battle zone.’ “The Gunners are planning on hitting this section, so while the Robo-guards are taking care of them, we just drive right on through.” He said.
“There still is one problem: The MGs. The guard posts have MGs along it, and we only have on vehicle.” (FN) told him.
“Yeah, but we also have two of the best snipers in GGO and the Black swordsman, plus my Bionic charge self, we’ll be fine.” Kurasaki said and (FN) sighs.
“See what have to deal with?” He asked Kazuto.
“Yeah, I know the feeling.” Kazuto said rubbing the back of his neck.
“What about gear?” I asked. 
“I got that covered. Stocked up on EMP grenades and rounds before they went up in prices.” Kurasaki said. 

“Then in that case, we just have to make sure we have everything else is ready personally then.” (FN) said and stood up. Everyone else did and we began to leave. Kazuto offered to give me a ride, but I said I was fine and would take the train. So me, Kurasaki and (FN) headed to the station. 

Kurasaki took a different train, so it just left me and (FN) as we rode towards my stop. I looked over at (FN) as he looked out the window. I smiled a bit, a small blush as well. My hand inched closer, and when it got close enough, I could feel some of the warmth from his hand.

I guess he must have felt mine, cause he looked at me and was blushing. We looked at each other for a bit and that was when he whispered something. I looked at him confused, but then surprised when I felt his lips against mine.

He’s kissing me!!

(Your POV)
I can’t believe it!! I am kissing Shino! My eyes were closed and I was enjoying the kiss, more so because she began to kiss me back. We were like that for a bit, till pulling apart. I was blushing like mad and so was she. 

I couldn’t think of a thing to say, but I guess I didn’t need to. Since Shino hugged me close. “I love you.” She said with her head in my chest. I smiled and placed a hand on her head. “I love you too.

(Next Day, GGO)
I just logged in, feeling warm inside. I can’t believe I was now dating Shino. It felt amazing. I quickly walked towards the garage, when I got a message from Biotic. ‘Meet in the ‘Last Round’’. Why a bar? I shrugged and headed towards said location. I walked in to see Biotic, Sinon and Kirito sitting at one of the tables. There was also a fourth person there, and all I need to see was a O- on his forehead to know he was a Gunner. I walked over and sat down.

“Alright, now that we are all here. Everyone, this is StormShark6, a commander in the Gunners. He, is my…..informant in a way. Shark told me about the Gunner’s plan on hitting the battle zone.” Everyone said hello to Shark.

“Well, now that we are all friendly, let’s get down to business. Biotic told me your plan on getting into the city, but you haven’t planned pass that.” Shark said.
“I thought we could get to the closet check point.” I said.

“Yeah, you could do that, but I got a better plan for you. My sister is in the city already and is at the check point in the sixth district. It is a bit further away from the highway, but least you’ll be with more people. And in a event like this, numbers are better.” Shark said.

“Your sister? Is she a Gunner?” I asked him.
“Nope, Kisi is the leader of her own little group. I’ll try to join you as quick as possible, but no promises.” Shark said.
“Hay, Shark, mind telling me, what is the Gunner’s plan? I mean, how do they plan on beating this?” Biotic asked.
“Their plan is to let people like you guys and my sister do the hard work of discovering the enemies, where they are and what the bosses are, then come in a clean house.” Shark said and none of us were surprised.
“So, they are going to use other players? Not surprising. Anyway, anything else we need to know?” I asked.
“Nothing much else to discuss. Besides, I need to get back. They might start wondering what I am doing.”

Shark stood up and quickly left, leaving us to think about this new plan. It was interesting, all of it. Especially trusting the word of a Gunner, but if Biotic trusted the man, I guess I have to too. We decided to go with his plan and got up, heading towards the garage.

Biotic dished out rounds and grenades, and we took a pit stop at the store to grab some more ammo. Once finally done, we hoped in and headed off.

(Later, on the Highway)
I sat in the back with Sinon as Biotic drove. I looked out the window and watched the passing ruins and sand. I felt a hand on mine and looked over at SInon. She was smiling and I smiled back. There was a flash and we both looked to see Kirito with a camera.

“Just going to show the others.” He said and Sinon turned bright red. 
“D-Don’t you dare!” Sinon said and began to reach forward. 

Kirito moved his hand back, forcing Sinon to try climb over the seat. “Hay! You kids settle down, else I am pulling the jeep over!” Biotic said, trying to hold back a laugh. Sinon sat back and sighed as I only chuckled and put an arm around her. She smiled and kissed my check again. 

After a bit longer, the city came into view. Zeta.

“Over there.” Kirito pointed and we saw flashes and explosions. Using my glasses, I zoomed in. “The Gunners have begun their assault. Means” I looked towards the entrance. “I see nothing moving. The guns must only come out when we get within range.” I said.

“So we should gun it.” Biotic said and revved up. I sat back in my seat and held onto it. “You guys should too, he tends to get carried away.” I said and both nodded before grabbing hold. Biotic grinned and sped down the highway, getting my jeep up to its full speed. I just waited for the guns to turn on and fire.

Bullets began flew by and a few hitting the jeep as we got closer. I watched as more holes entered it. We zoomed past the guns and we cheered at the fact we’re still alive. But that moment was crushed when an explosion hit and everything went black.

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