Chapter 10

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(Your POV)
I leaned against a light post, looking through phone. A text appeared and it was a picture of Kurasaki and Emily. It was one of those couple pics. I chuckled and rolled my eyes. “(FN)!” I looked and smiled as Shino walked up and took my hand. “Ready?” She asked. I smiled and kissed her cheek. “Ready.”

It has been a few days since the end of the Rise of Metal Event. Me and Shino as expected were celebrities because of it, if only for a bit. We did get some epic drops from the whole thing, but the main prize for beating the Master was we could make our own personal robot. It was actually really cool to be able to have a personal bot. 

The next part of the rewards was that we got a house in Zeta, cause now it became a Hub city. 

But there was one con to all of this, the title me and Shino got. “GGO’s Best Couple.” Shino was embarresed by it, but I just laughed it off. I mean, it was cute but why? I’ll never understand media. 

But that didn’t matter. Right now, I should just focus on us. I held Shino’s hand as she took me to where ever. “So, where exactly are we going?” I asked her.

“Thought you should meet the rest of my friends. Just to warn you, I will hit you if you look at any of them in any other way then a friend.” Shino warned.
I giggled and kissed her cheek. “Come on, you know my sights are only on you.” I said and she groaned.
“That was painful.”
I laughed. “Agree.”

We arrived at the park and I saw Kazuto and Asuna. But as expected, everyone else, no clue. We walked up and everyone greeted us. First person to pounce and ask me questions was a girl with brown haired. I just leaned back and trying to get away from the girl. “Rika, I think you are scaring him.” Asuna said and she sighed, before backing off. 

“Sorry about her.” Kazuto said. 
“No problem.” I said sitting up. “You’ve seen Bio, you know how he is.” 
“Speaking of which, where is he?” 
“He and Emily are on a date. Strange how small this world is.” I said. “So, who is next?”

Everyone else was introduced and as expected, more questions began. One of them how me and Shino met, both in game in IRL. “So, if you two met at gun point in game, what was the real-life meeting like.” We looked at each other and answered. “Awkward.” 

“How so?”
“Neither of us really talked at first, we both just sat quietly. It latterly took the end of the meet up that we did say something to each other. It wasn’t always like that tho. After a while, we did open up and well, no need to explain more.” I said.
“Well, I say you two are pretty cute.” Asuna said.
“And Kirito doesn’t have another girl after him.” Tsuboi said. (Klein)

Shino just glared at him and he was saying he was joking. I just laughed and the rest of the day was spent amongst new friends. When the sun began to set, everyone began going home. Me and Shino said goodbye and headed to her place. 

On the train ride there, Shino looked like she was ready to fall asleep. I smiled and shook her a bit as we neared her stop. “Hay, you think you can walk?” I asked. “Mmmmm, I don’t think so.” She said. I smiled and when we hit our stop, I picked her up. Shino grumbled, but accepted and I carried her home. 

She was quite light, not that I mind, it only made it easier. When we got to her place, I managed to get us in and set her down. When I did tho, I felt a tug on my sleeve. “Can you stay the night?” She asked in a sleepy tone. I chuckled. “Sure, for you.” I said. I took off my glasses and hers and crawled in. I held Shino close as she smiled and nuzzled into my chest. 

“Good night, and love you, my Guardian Sniper.”
“Good Night, and love you too, my Metal Dragon.”

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