Chapter 4: The Soul

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As I sit on Jonathan's floor, I fight with His voice, trying desperately to teleport back to where I need to be. I know Will is out there, he can't be dead. It's Him, He's playing mind games with me and I am cannot let him win.

A newfound block is put between me and their world, the beginning of my punishment. I close my eyes once again but instead of trying to peer into the upside down, I slither my way into the waves of Demogorgon thoughts. Without being noticed, I carefully watch through their eyes as they trudge through the disgusting forest. The monster comes upon the shadows of Castle Byers, where I was when Will turned to ash. I hear a noise coming from inside, a boy's voice. Before it moves any further I suddenly wake up to the sound of Jonathan's door slamming.

I open my eyes and see Jonathan on his bed, crying. I jump up from the ground and walk over to him, sitting beside him. I stare at him, not knowing what to do or how to comfort him. That's when I remember what Amy used to do to me.

I'm banging against Amy's door, rain pouring all over my sweat stained clothes. A creature of the sky is chasing me and my first instinct was to run to Amy's. I'm already fourteen, I should be braver than this. But these monsters of the night still terrify me. Soon the door opens and a sleep deprived Amy looks at me. She quickly ushers me in and gives me a warm blanket. The lightning cracks and a rumble of thunder soon follows. I snuggle deeper into the couch, scared by the noise. Amy comes and sits beside me with a cup of coffee and snuggles me, her silence comforting me. She rubs her hand up and down my back as she sips her coffee.

"You know," Amy remarks."You don't have to be afraid of the thunder or the lightning. They are just like us, they keep quiet most of the time. But when the time is right, our strength is as powerful as lightning."

Another flash of light strikes the earth but instead of me cowering under its wrath, I perk up the slightest bit. The rest of the night I kept repeating Amy's words in my head.

My strength is as powerful as lightning.

I realize that this is the time I need to be strong. Jonathan is weak and needs strength so he doesn't crumble. Slowly, I crawl onto his lap and wrap my arms around him, his wrapping around me as well. It seemed like the only comfortable position until Jonathan chuckled awkwardly. When I realized what I had done, I quickly get off of him, sitting beside him on the bed, rubbing my wrist from nerves. 

"That... creature," Jonathan sniffles. "Did it come after my mom?" 

I look up at him and nod. He shakes a little at the thought and out of reflex I put my hand on his shoulder. Once he connects the dots, knowing that his mom survived the attack because of me, a small smile shows itself. 

"You're really something magical." He jokes. We both quietly laugh, my hand slipping away from my shoulder after some time. Before I can stop myself, I ask:

"Why were you crying?" 

Jonathan looks at me sorrowfully as his eyes fill with tears again a few dropping as he hastily wipes them away. I look at him in concern, his actions beginning to worry me.

"They found my brother in the quarry, dead," Jonathan says, his voice shaking as he thinks about it. I look at him in confusion, knowing that what he is telling me is not true.

"He's not dead, Jonathan," I state. Jonathan looks at me in complete confusion. Just as I am about to explain, Joyce walks in.

"I heard you. You said Will is alive." 

"(Y/N), they found his body in the quarry. He's gone." Jonathan reminds. I begin to shake, knowing that I'm going to have to open up to them about my past. I'm the reason they are in this mess. They deserve to know. 

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