Chapter Twenty-Two

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I closed the door softly behind me. Telling FP the news would have to be postponed for the night, because I needed to spend time with him before he found out. He'll be on high alert, and we won't get to relax together. The alcohol consumed would also help me get to him, and due to that he'd be less concerned about our hostage. Or now, lack of hostage. 

"Hey baby." I walked over to the couch, where FP had been sleeping. It had only been an hour, and part of me felt guilty about waking him. But our last night of safety was more important. I reached out to him, shaking his shoulder lightly. He stirred, and in turn opened his eyes. The brown irises complemented his dark hair very well, and the stubble painted across his cheeks became extremely sexy to me. I'd found I admired him increasingly over the time we'd spent together, and I hoped that we would get over this rather large blip. 
"What's wrong?" He asked. He was sober enough to tell my facial expressions, which in turn meant I wouldn't be taking any advantages over him. 
"Nothing. You're just beautiful." I told him. He laughed lightly, sitting up. 
"I'm the old man, not you." He smiled, rubbing his eyes. As his legs were out laid straight in front of him, I took this as my chance to straddle him. At first, FP looked surprised that I'd done this, but when I leaned in to kiss him it was just like before. When we were happy. 

He tasted of beer, and cigarettes. Two of my favorite things, apart from himself. It was amazing being able to kiss him like this again, after the past couple of days' stress. I felt his tongue on mine, and his lips soft, gentle. My hands wrapped around his neck, fingers intertwining with the hair on the back of his head. He held me similarly, pulling my face in deeper. I could feel the short, sharp hairs littered on his chin as his face grew closer and closer to mine in intimacy, before the kisses couldn't get more intense. I trailed a finger down his chest, reaching the belt buckle. As I unclasped it, I felt his growing dick against my fingertips. He was as turned on as I was. 
"Do you have any condoms?" I whispered, and he nodded, getting out his wallet and pulling out the small foil. I smirked, unzipping his pants and getting ready. 


The next morning was slow. I lay in bed, watching FP sleep. When I woke him up, I would tell him Malachai was gone, but I would have to act as if I'd only just found out. If he knew I was aware last night, he would go crazy. But as I watched his sound sleep, I grew sadder that I would be disrupting any sort of happiness. Could I let him find out by himself? No, it would be too dangerous for us. I wondered what the Gholies would be planning to get back at the Serpents. Penny had already joined them after Jughead's stunt, which left them with an advantage of knowing our rules, our weaknesses. If there was one thing I knew about the Serpents, is that they are too easy to capture. One of them gone would lead the rest to a similar fate. No Serpent left behind was about loyalty, but for me it was about fear. No one wants to be alone. 

Finally, I decided to stand up, walking out of the room on my toes, remaining silent. I was getting to run in, and wake FP. The plan seemed ludicrous, but it had to be right. FP would lose his trust if he knew I'd kept this from him. So, I ran in, grabbing my partner frantically, causing him to abruptly wake. 
"Malachai's gone, FP." I said, and watched as his tired eyes adjusted, and his face turned to panic.
"What?" He'd clearly not been ready for the news; I wasn't sure if there'd be a plan in place or not. 
"You heard me, FP. I went down there this morning. He's gone." I lied, now facing the guilt. I was the reason FP had only just found out, and if Malachai gets us, that's on me. FP wouldn't expect him to fight back the day he escaped, so may have a false sense of security for this morning. However, I knew he'd been gone much longer than a few hours. FP shot up, grabbing his jeans and Serpent jacket.
"What are you doing?" I questioned. He didn't reply, simply turning to the door, getting his keys and walking through to the livingroom. I followed him aimlessly to the front door. He put the keys in his bike before straddling it, and revving the engine. Confused, I walked up the the vehicle, as if to ride behind him. 
"No. You're not safe." FP was blunt, and I knew that was due to a deep-rooted fear inside of him. 
"I'm worse off staying here alone and unarmed, FP. What if they all come after me? A kitchen knife won't help me." I sarcastically commented, causing his eyes to roll. 
"I have a shotgun in the clothes cabinet." He replied, pulling the kickstand up with his foot and driving away. My heart raced as I watched my only protector ride away in awe. After a few moments, I ran inside, locking the door. I rushed over to the wardrobe, crouching to the bottom and feeling along the wood. I noticed a small concave along the edge, which I stuck my finger into. Upon pulling it, the entire bottom of the wardrobe came out. FP had been right, there was a large shot gun, as well as shells. My hands shook as I pulled it out, taking out a box of shells with me. 

I'd loaded guns before, so I had an idea of what to do. The gun was larger than any I'd previously handled, but I was confident that I would have the intelligence. After a few tries, I'd managed to push a shell into the gun, and then a few others until the magazine was full. I stuffed a handful of shells into my pocket before carrying the gun to the bathroom, locking the door. I knew if they'd come into our home that the small, thin bolt wouldn't hold, however I needed the time. 

I pulled my phone from my jean pocket, scrolling through contacts, stopping at Jughead. I clicked it, praying he'd pick up. It rung, and I waited anxiously for him to answer. Part of me knew he wouldn't, he hated me now. But in this time of need, he has to. What would I say? 'Hey, it's your ex-bff and dad's girlfriend, I need your help' ? It seemed pointless to try. 
"Hey, it's Jughead, leave your message after the tone." 

My heart sunk, and I felt my eyes water as my head rolled back to hit against the tiled wall. Why couldn't he answer? Again, I scrolled through, stopping on Pea's contact and calling it. Within seconds he'd answered. 
"Hey, are you okay? FP's down here going nuts on everyone." I could hear chatter and a quiet sound of music behind his voice, and I knew he was at the bar. 
"It's Malachai. Don't tell him about last night, okay?" I practically begged. 
"Chill, it's fine Jas." He'd never really taken anything that seriously, so I knew he'd ignore the fact that the lie was putting us under more threat. 
"I'm scared, Pea." I started to cry, unleashing the no-good vulnerability for him to see. 
"Where are you?" He asked, and I smiled. He always stuck himself out for me. 
"I'm locked in the bathroom with a shotgun." I told him, and I could picture him raising his eyebrows whilst smirking at my situation. 
"I'll -" He paused, and the background noise was silenced. 
"Pea?" I questioned, becoming scared once again. For the short phone call, I'd been comforted. 
"They're here, Jas. Shit, they're here." He was whispering now, and I could hear a deep voice shouting. The line went for a couple of seconds, as if the phone was being taken. 
"Jasmine Cole." Malachai's words sent chills down my spine. "Come here if you want your friend to live." 
"I'll kill you Malachai!" I screamed, standing up and opening the bathroom door. He'd hung up by the time I'd gotten to the front door. 

Cigarette Burns // FP JonesWhere stories live. Discover now