Chapter Twenty-Three

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I had been in and out of consciousness for at least a few hours, and each time I knew I was tied up, each wake I'd collected details of the room before passing out again. The ropes burned against my wrists and I felt as if I'd been heavily drugged. My eyelids drooped and a pain arose in the back of my head from where I'd been hit. The room was dark, lit only by a string of holiday lights along the walls. It seemed sadistic; planned. The Gholies were known for inflicting mania onto people, and Malachai wanted the light-hearted family season in my mind as he tortured me. That would add to the psychological pain - knowing my family wouldn't see me again. Though, I didn't really care. FP would have his son without me, and my family didn't care anyway. 

"She's awake." The sound of a male voice made me realise there was a presence in the room. I had thought I was alone, though I knew that Malachai wouldn't allow that. Any chance of escape would have to be hidden, as well as location. He'd have added to the sadness my leaving my phone in a ditch somewhere with location on, to deter the Serpents and make them think I was somewhere the other side of the state.
A door opened behind me, and I could feel the air change. He was here, and ready to give me his payback. 
"Did you enjoy your nap?" He questioned. I could see the smile even in the dark. I didn't speak; not that I could. A ball gag had been placed into my mouth, of which I was dribbling around. It felt disgusting mixed with the sweat. 
"All the mess left behind, only because you wouldn't be a good girl and come with me the first time." He laughed, and the sound of metal clanging beside me caused my blood to run cold. 
"I'm going to have fun with you, Jasmine." 

*12 hours earlier* 

From the outside of the bar, you could see it wasn't the same. Fire burned around, lines of lit petrol and bags of what I assumed to once hold drugs and other substances were littered around the entrance. From what I could see, we would be outnumbered. There would be a slim chance of any success on our part, meaning I'd have to make the sacrifice today. It scared me, but I was prepared. Malachai knew I couldn't give up on the gang, as part of the laws. If I survived, I'd be deemed a traitor by my only true family. I'd lose FP, Sweet Pea, Fangs, Toni and any chance of Jughead. I had to suck it up and give in. 

As I stepped inside, I was met with the Serpents in one area, seated. At first I was confused as to why they'd not been standing their ground, until I saw the guns the Gholies held upon their belts, in their hands and bags. They'd gotten the weapons quickly for such short notice, though I didn't doubt they'd been stolen. At the front of the rows sat Jughead, Sweet Pea, Fangs and Toni. The only person missing had been FP. I felt somewhat relieved, perhaps he'd gotten away in time. Though, it was a matter of hours before he returned and they would take him too. 

"Finally, the Serpent Queen Arrives." Malachai emerged from behind the bar, holding a bottle of whiskey between his pale, skeletal hands. 
"I'm here, let them go." I demanded, glancing over my friends. 
"Don't, Jasmine-" Sweet Pea shouted, but was silenced with a hit on the head with a gun. I screamed watching his head droop, before the Gholies grabbed me. I was put to my knees, facing my family. 
"This is what happens when you mess with us." A woman spoke, although I couldn't see her I knew she was approaching behind me. I watched Jughead's expression as she did - he feared her. His eyes trailed to me, apologetically. 'I'm sorry' I mouthed to him, but his response was taken away from me as I felt a sharp kick in my side. Fangs stood up, but was pushed back down to his seat. 
"There are too many of them, please." I whispered, tears rolling down my cheeks. I felt my hair being grabbed, and due to this, a few Serpents stood to attack, only to be shot down. Horror beamed across everyone's faces, and a few screams were heard. 
"You move, you die." Malachai laughed, pulling me up to stand, placing the barrel to my head. 

"You all think I'm sadistic. But your 'queen' beat me, tortured me. She is the sadist." He told them, as if they were an audience to his show. I rolled my watering eyes. 
"You murdered my child." I screamed at him, spitting. This didn't work to my favor, as he shook his head, punching me in the face. 
"And I'll kill you!" His shouts bellowed through the Wyrm; through me, ricocheting through my arteries, bouncing off each cell in my body. I felt his anger in me. "I'll kill you, your fucking king," he laughed with hysteria. "and I'll kill every last snake I can get my fucking hands on!" I felt a rope being placed around my wrists, and I knew this wasn't it. It would be too easy to kill me here. He would take me away, make me suffer. 

"Now!" The maniac screamed once again, and in an instant I watched the place I love go up in flames. Molotov Cocktails thrown around, and my friends screams. I'd been numbed, my cries grew louder yet the sound wouldn't move from my lips. The Gholies were going to pay eventually, but God knew how. No amount of pain they would endure would be the same as mine. They were a gang, yes, but not a family. If one died, they didn't mourn. They were only seeking revenge, which would never satisfy them. Revenge is a greed that never ends. But, the Serpents are blood. We're bound together, we feel and mourn one another's losses. That's why watching the place go up in flames burned me. It carved a hole so deep inside me, scaring over the losses I'd already endured. 

I was pulled along by Gholies, all of which were hooting and cheering. As soon as we got into the parking lot, I was placed back onto my knees again. This time, I faced the ground. I did not search for hope on my snake's faces. I knew there was nothing that would replenish the happiness I once had so much of. That's why I didn't fight back, or struggle under their grip. I allowed whoever had been behind me to hit me across the back of the head, and allow a darkness to come over my world. Because, now I had nothing more to lose. 


idk if this is good im sleep deprived but here 

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