Chapter 2: New friends,or foes?

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"He shouldn't be trusted."

"Yes,I know that you want to play safe, Andreï, but he could be a very valuable member on the team."

"I still don't think it's a good idea. To go on and trust a new comer like that. I mean, what if he steals all of our equipment ? Remember last time? We nearly lost everything ! I'm not gonna grind again, Tess, not a second time. I'll give him one chance, that's all. If he pulls any trick on us, I'll leave the tribe."

"Ugh... fine"

The sounds of the birds chirping in the trees woke me up and as I opened my eyes, I started to get up. I realized that I was in a building. A building ! That meant people that can help me! I ran around to check the room and discovered it was made out of metal and that it was rather small. A simple bed, a toilet and a chest, which was kind of useless since I didn't have anything. A door was facing me and at my left, A glass wall offered a magnificent view of the mountains surrounded by sinister dark trees. I arrived at the door only to find it locked. "Damn" I thought.
"Wait, if I'm locked up here, that means I'm in some sort of a prison, and that can't be good. I mean what did I do? All I remember is jogging, than eating some berries and falling asleep!
Maybe these people aren't so friendly..."I looked up and discovered a trapdoor in the metal ceiling.. What would a trapdoor do here ? I heard creeks and guessed it was the door. I sharply turened to find myself facing a girl much younger than me,maybe five years younger. Her deep green eyes were the forest green, it was mesmerizing. She had hazel hair and a big smile onto her face. It was so big it looked like a sticker slapped onto her mouth.when she spoke, a cristal like, joyful sound got to me
"Hi ! You must be the new guy so I'm guessing.. either you're confused about what is happening, or you think I'm adorable.
Yup, definitely option two! I can see your cheeks turn red!"
I wanted to slap her and myself at that moment, but that may not have been the best thing to do to socialize. So what I did instead was put my hand forward and speak to break that awkward silence.
"Erm... Hi, I'm Luke so..."

"Oh! I forgot to introduce myself!
I'm Poppy, but everyone calls me Pop"

"Pop ?"

"Yeah! Erm, before this awkward moment gets worse, let me explain what I know to you. So basically, I'm guessing you woke up with no memory except your name. Well it's the same for everyone. There's a bunch of people out there. Sometimes, people that like working with other people form groups knowned as tribes. My tribe found you while you sleeping and there was a carno coming right up to eat your we brought you here and..."

"Wait,wait... what's a carno ?"
Poppy's expression changed from enthusiastic to very surprised
" Wait... So you have no idea of what this island is all about?"

" I really just ran...and ate... I didn't have time to visit..."

"Man, this island is extremely dangerous ! It's full of freaking DINOS!!!"

What? No. That can't be true... Dino's went extinct millions of years ago! That memory just popped up in my head

"The thing is, she pursued, there's dinosaurs, but there's also all sorts of other prehistoric creatures which makes no sense at all ! They should've been extinct and more importantly, they shouldn't have crossed over and certainly not with us,the humans in the mix!"

All of that was a whole lot of unbelievable information but part of me knew it was the truth.I revisited all of it when Pop spoke again, cutting short through my focus

"You wanna know the best part?" She asked with a grin,like she was amused by confusion.

"Erm,now that I hear all that, I'm not sure I want to but go ahead"

" Well, people ride them"
I didn't understand.
" What ? I don't... I don't get it"

" well people tame dinos and they ride them,hunt with them and I can assure you that as long as a good dino sticks to you, you're pretty safe"

" Wait, so you can ride a DINOSAUR ?
How is taming one even possible ?"
Pop took a mysterious but sarcastic face

" In time, all will be revealed...Boooooooo..."

" So what exactly am I doing here? I mean, you don't seem like you're going to hurt me or anything so..."
Pop pulled a long sword and got into what seems like her fighting pose:
Left foot in front, left arm sticked to the face, with the sword in her right hand.

" Well you never know what can happen, I could kill you right here, right now if I wanted to.
But I'm not, because you think I'm adorable!"
She lowered her defense and sheathed her sword as I could feel I was as red as a hot tomato.

" To be serious, the tribe leader wants to see you so you have to come with me."

"Erm, your tribe leader, is he like... you know, all serious and hard work kinda stuff or is he more..."

" Oh don't worry! She's very nice, even though she can be serious when she wants to."
As we walked trough the building,Pop explained several other things so I could know the basics of the basics as the landscape changed around me, we arrived in front of an other building, much smaller than the previous one. I guessed it only had one room. As Pop stayed outside, I entered the building
Which was an office. A woman arrived from the stairs. She had red hair an a very mate skin. When she began to talk, I heard all of her authority in her voice.
"Welcome, Luke, we have many things to discuss."

Hey guys and thank you again to anyone who reads this, because that means you liked the first chapter! Anyways,this chapter is a liiiiiittle bit long because most of the explanations are there
Btw, how do you like Pop?

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