Where have I been ?

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Hello to anyone reading this and thank you for sticking with me that long! It's been more than a month since I didn't update and I'm sure some of you want to know why...( If it's not the case then I'll hang myself)
The truth is that it's extremely hard to keep up a consistent rhythm on Whattpad while keeping full interest and attention to your story. I've been... not bored but slowly fading away from Fit for Survival, which is a bad thing for  all of you who want to read the next chapter, but I have to admit that I needed a "break". Plus, I now have school, so... tests, homework... bla bla bla... I don't have as much time than in august.( Yep school is important to me.) so I should be uploading more often in October, December, February and May (holiday schedule).
I promise I'll try to upload during the rest of the year but it's gonna be hard so you have to let me know if you want me to upload more often and to give me feedback on the last chapters, it's extremely important to me so please do.
P.S, I'm currently almost done writing the chapter 6 and I have a pretty clear idea of how chapter 7 is going to go. :)

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