Chapter 6:Havoc.

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Sica was running, in the red woods, at night. She knew it was extremely dangerous, but she was fleeing from a far more violent threat. She heard voices behind her.
-C'mon Sica, you know you can't outrun me! Even if you did, you'd crash into a T-rex! I mean, you'd have a better chance escaping a Rex than me... but still, I'll make your death nice and quick.

- Gunther, you're scaring her away. You have to be more persuasive. Put flowers on your words. Even flowers can kill...

Drake. They had sent Drake after her. There was no hope. She was getting tired, as the blurry landscape started to change. She saw an opening on her right. The small pale stars seemed so... so far... 50 more meters... twenty five... she started hearing Drake and Gunther's footsteps. She headed for a dead trunk and ducked to avoid it, knowing the two monsters after her were too massive, and instead of finding a way around, they would smash the tree.
Everything happened fast. She heard a gunshot, felt the bullet dig into her left shoulder, and then she jumped of the cliff. She knew it was useless because she'd lose too much blood, but she didn't want to give the satisfaction of her death to Gunther. She closed her eyes, focusing on the sounds around her... Drake swearing, water flowing below her... flapping wings...
Wait... flapping wings?
A pair of claws dug into her leather jacket, and she felt carried through the air. Obviously, someone rescued her. She looked up and an  saw the dark brown feathers of an argentavis.the head of a young man popped up.
- You okay down there?

-Y... Yeah... thanks...

-No prob. You'll explain when we get to the camp.

And so they flew,until by sunrise, a splash of water woke Sica up. She noticed they were in a small cave, hidden by a waterfall. Inside, various things were on the floor, on tables, as well as mortars, two forges and a smithy.
The young boy gently dropped her on the ground and landed.
-Welcome to my humble home. It's not much, but... ya know... it does the trick for now.
-You leave... alone?
-Yeeeeeaaah... Teaming up with some other people, its kinda not my thing ...
-Oh... okay... how long have you been out there?
-Ummmn... six, nine... about a year or so...
-You survived a whole year alone ? You must've been lonely...
-Oh! I'm not like "alone" alone, I have Jungle
He pointed at a green parasorolophus
-He's very nice...
- Oh it's she. I also have fidget, my trusty archaeopteryx...
-Who would want an archaeopteryx?
-It' remind me of a friend...
-Oh... and that argentavis?
-That's Trix.Tamed her a week ago
-Wow, that's quite recent...
-Sooooo where d'you come from?
-Oh! I didn't introduce myself yet! I'm Jessica or Sica for short, and I'm part of the Silver Sabers...
At the mentioning of the tribe, Luke's eyes lightened.
-Did you say the Silver Sabers?
-Well... yeah but I...
-Are you familiar with one of the tamers who has a red and yellow archaeopteryx?
-Pop? Yeah, I know her pretty well and...
Luke turned around. He smiled.
-Tell her... Tell her Luke didn't die yet and thank her for me...
-Uuuuuuuummm... Okaaaaayyyyyy? I guess?
-Thank you.
Sica turned around to break the awkwardness
-Uumm thanks, I guess?Anyways, who were those guys chasing you?
-Oh. Well one of them is called Gunther, but he's most known as Chaos.
-Hmmm okay... I think I've heard of him.
-Oh he's nothing. The other one, Drake, is known as Havoc.
-never heard of him?
-he's a legend. The only known man who managed to kill a dragon single handed.

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