Without Question | Reader x Naruto

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Without Question from The Road to Eldorado (ik it's not Disney but I consider it all in the same group so hush)

Naruto Uzumaki from Naruto (Shippuden ver.)

The more I learn, the more I see

The less the world impassions me

The hungry heart, the roving eye

Have come to rest, do not apply

The frantic chase, the crazy ride

The thrill has gone, I step aside

Its not like you hated the world...you just, were kinda scared of it...

Today, like most days you were hiding under your blankets from the world.

Pathetic right? Well, that's how you thought about it.

You've always loved the idea of being out in the world, travelling to the other hidden villages and seeing and trying new things. But in reality you were terrified to leave your house. And most days, like today, you had to.

Considering that you are a ninja for the hidden leaf village...

You glanced at the clock next to your bed.

And like most days you'll hear that pain in the ass calling for you

I'd believe in anything were it not for you

Showing me by just existing only this is true

I love you, I love you without question, I love you

"(name)!!!!" you heard the voice you dreaded so much and groaned hiding more into your blankets. "(name)! Come-on!" it whined "you know if you don't come out I'll go in there and drag you out of bed!!!" it threatened like it did on days like this where you refused to get out of your security nest of blankets and pillows.

"go away Naruto...!~" you whined glaring at your front door.

Unfortunately your bedroom was facing the door so there wasn't any room to retreat to when the obnoxious blonde busted into your house to get you into the world.

"that's it. I'm coming in!" he warned muttering curses as he unlocked your front door and walked into your house. At first he'd pop a window or smash it and after a month of window repairs costs you decided to leave a key under the floor mat at your door. It still took another 2 weeks before he even found it there.


"no." you didn't have to hear the rest of his sentence as it was most likely like it was yesterday, yesterday's yesterday and the day before that and the day before that...

Something along the lines of "really? I had to fucking break in to get you to talk and now I got to seriously drag you out of your bed and out of your house again?!"


This had been going on for a long time as you might guess...

The more I want the more I steal

The more I hold the less is real

All worldly things I follow blind

In hope not faith was paid in kind

The line is drawn, the change is made

I come to you, I'm not afraid

"ahhh..Dango~" you smiled chomping onto one of the delicious colourful balls of yummy goodness.

"maybe I'll just start bringing Dango with me when I come to drag you outside" Naruto grumbled "I seriously don't get why you always stay indoors. I thought you wanted to be a great ninja"

"I do"

"well you gotta be outside to do that ya know" he poked your cheek with the dango stick left behind from his stick of dango

"I know..." you swatted the stick away and waved your stick around like a wand. "it's just...hard..."

"how? The ninjutsu?" you shook your head "taijutsu?" you shook you head again remaining silent "genjustu then." he smiled thinking he had finally figured it out, but you only responded with another head shake. "THEN WHAT?!" he screamed in frustration.

"I don't have any qualms with the jutsus or the chakra or other such training...or even the fact that I might die on a mission" you admitted drawing scribbles into the ground with your dango stick.

"then...I don't get it" he crossed his arms and gave you a strange look

"I'm...I'm afraid of the world itself. How one decision I make forever changes my life. What if I make a choice and I end up with the wrong ending to my life? What if I decide to save someone on a mission and then a team-mate dies because of that choice? Life is like a video game. Except there is no save button and there is no way of turning off the console or any way to go back because you ended up making the wrong choice. What if I was supposed to die one day and because I made it through I forever harper the village?" you at this point were in tears. You've been holding this in for a very long time. You've never told anyone else how you feel about the world and honestly you didn't think that you ever would...but Naruto had this way of making you feel like you could say or do anything with him.

Naruto just sat there wide eyed at your openness to share this with him. Once he got over the initial shock he bared a toothy grin your way and wrapped his arm around your shoulders.

And I'd believe in anything were it not for you

Showing me by just existing only this is true

I love you, I love you without question, I love you

"you know, I was pretty surprised that you think all about those things. I've never really thought of things like that-like at all..." he laughed while he scratched his cheek "but you know...if you just hide in your blankets all day because you are too scared to do something wrong...you're never going to get anything done. And I don't think that someone's destiny or fate or whatever is set like in stone or whatever." he explained hugging your shoulders closer to him.

"yeah, but what i-"

"what if what? What if you don't do anything and just sit around your entire life? I know you don't want that kind of life." he leaned the side of his head against yours "calm down, take everything at your own pace. Like if you cant run through everything then walk. Or something like that..."

You giggled and leaned closer to him

"you have such a strange way of affecting me Naruto...You know that?" you flashed him a lopsided smile before pecking his cheek. "thanks for being something I can believe in. And for making me a stronger person"

"huh? How'd I do that...?" he blinked seemingly confused

"nothing" you smiled pecking his cheek again "you're the best boyfriend ever"

I'd believe in anything were it not for you

Showing me by just existing only this is true

I love you, oh I love you, without question, I love you

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