When Will my Life Begin | Reader x Seijurou Mikoshiba

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When will my life begin is from Tangled (Rapunzel)

Seijurou Mikoshiba is from Free! (Rin's coach in the first season)

7 AM, the usual morning lineup:

Start on the chores and sweep 'til the floor's all clean

Polish and wax, do laundry, and mop and shine up

Sweep again, and by then it's like 7:15.

You woke up early like you did every morning. Looking at the clock you saw the familiar numbers of 7:00 AM on the digital face. You've gotten up at this time for as long as you could remember. You sat up and brushed your long (H/C) hair out of your face and lazily put it into a ponytail. It wasn't a very good ponytail...by no means was it pretty but your hair was out of your way.

"I guess I'll get started on the day already..." you sighed petting your little grey striped cat.

You grabbed a broom and dust pan and swept around the house humming to a tune your mother sang to you when you were a little girl. Once that was done you quickly polished and waxed the floor and the grand staircase. You sat on the floor staring at the laundry basket filled with clothes then switched to glaring at the mop and broom. You still had some more things to do...

And so I'll read a book

Or maybe two or three

I'll add a few new paintings to my gallery

I'll play guitar and knit

And cook and basically

Just wonder when will my life begin?

When you were little you asked your mother if you could go outside the gates and play. She promptly told you no and that evil things were beyond the large gate fencing in your entire yard. You had heard children playing on the other side of the gate and never having a friend, you wanted to go and join them. Not that you would ever be allowed to go. You still weren't allowed beyond the gates...and when Mother wasn't home you had to stay indoors. Your bedroom walls were covered with paintings you had made when you were growing up. Of course you ran out of room in there so the hall was filled with painted pictures. Now that you were turning 18 most of the house's walls were painted on. The small library had long since been read through, you currently have re-read every single book in there 20 times. You could always play on your guitar...but you always did that...

You could knit...but everything you wore was pretty much knitted and you really didn't need anymore clothes. You sighed as you cooked your breakfast. There was this book you loved.

There was a princess locked in a tower and one day a prince stumbled upon her and promised to set her free. However the girl's mother found out and cut off all of the girl's hair! She cast out the girl into the world alone, then the mother tricked the prince to come up the tower and cursed the prince! Never would they ever see each other again...

However a while later they both ran into each other again and they got married and lived happily ever after!

Honestly the mother sounded a lot like your own mother. But at least you could go outside into the yard...

Then after lunch it's puzzles and darts and baking

Paper maché, a bit of ballet and chess

Pottery and ventriloquy, candle making

Then I'll stretch, maybe sketch, take a climb,

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2018 ⏰

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