Reflection | Reader x BTT

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Reflection from Mulan (dishonour on your cow if you don't know this movie)

BTT aka The Bad Touch Trio which is France, Prussia and Spain (also known as Francis, Gilbert and Antonio respectively)

♪Look at me ♪

♪ You may think you see ♪

♪ Who I really am ♪

♪ But you'll never know me ♪

♪ Every day ♪

♪ It's as if I play a part ♪

♪ Now I see ♪

♪ If I wear a mask ♪

♪ I can fool the world ♪

♪ But I cannot fool my heart ♪

You stared at the mirror long and hard. This was something you did daily...well quite a few times a day-okay you did this every time you saw your reflection. You hated the way you looked.

It just...wasn't you. Well it was you but not the you that you knew yourself as. You sighed as you stared at your figure.

Your father had wanted a boy when you were to be born. He was furious that you were female and not male, so much so that he attacked your mother.

She took care of you for the first yet of your life then...

Then she abandoned you...not that you blame her, you ruined her life. Before you were born her life was great! Then you just had to come into the world. After your mother left your father cut off all your hair and dressed you as a boy. He enrolled you in boy activities and even told your school you were male. Your father refused to even call you your name, he called you (boy name) instead.

(Boy name) not (name).

♪ Who is that girl I see ♪

♪ Staring straight back at me? ♪

♪ When will my reflection show ♪

♪ Who I am inside? ♪

You walked into your classroom and sat down. Your short boy cut hair was spiked about and your eyebrows were thick and bushy. You wore the male school uniform as well. Your breasts were bound tightly against your chest to give you a male physique and you had this strange body wrap that made your middle look tubular.

You walked as a man. You talked as a man. You were not to wear makeup or to sway your hips in any manner at all.

No jewelry. No cute things. No girls for friends. And no periods. Well you did have them...however your father refused to believe even that.

"What's up (boy name)?" A happy tone erupted into your ear. You grimaced looking over to Antonio. The pain was always happy. Not once have you seen him unhappy or sad.

"Nothing." You grouched and turned towards the window only to be met with your reflection.

"It seems like something to me!" He pushed leaning into your personal bubble space

"I'm in a super bad mood Toni, I'll talk to you later okay?"

"..." That finally shut him up. Or so you thought

"Mon amis what's wrong?" Francis asked leaning over his desk to peer between Toni and you. (my friends)

"(Boy name)'s being grumpy." Toni whined "he won't cheer up"

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