I see the Light | Reader x Haruka Nanase

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I see the light from Tangled (Rapunzel)

Haru(ka) Nanase from Free!

[Mandy Moore]

All those days watching from the windows

All those years outside looking in

All that time never even knowing

Just how blind I've been

You were one of those girls that somehow had quite a few awesome things going for yourself but you felt so...gone.

You weren't even sure how to explain it. You just felt invisible, alone and like you were lost...like you were meant to be elsewhere. Which never made any sense to you.

You finally got to move to Japan, something you dreamed dearly about since you were little. You used to visit Japan when you were little to visit your grandmother during the summer but since she ran a convenience store she often sent you outside to play with the boys that lived down the street. You also got into a good highschool that had cute uniforms...yes, you were one of those girls that thought the little uniforms were the cutest fucking thing on the planet.

Anyways...you had some friends if you can even call them that. Ami, Saki and Mai all were the first to welcome you to the school and to the class, but they hardly even talked to you anymore. Maybe it was because the whole "exchange student from North America" thing got old and boring to them. Maybe you were just a fad, something to use to get popular and that's it...

You walked down the halls of your school in a zombie like state.

That is until a pair of doors caught your eye.

You stopped and blinked confused for a moment.

You weren't sure why but you had this huge urge that you just had to go out those doors...RIGHT NOW!

You ran to the doors and even passed them. Then stopped to shy away from the bright sunlight

Now I'm here blinking in the starlight

Now I'm here suddenly I see

Standing here it's all so clear

I'm where I'm meant to be

You stared at the scene before you.

<The swim club?> you questioned yourself before shyly and quietly tiptoeing closer to the pool surrounded by fencing.

You never got into any clubs or anything because you lacked the confidence to try out. What if you tried to do something and failed so bad everyone laughed and ridiculed you for the remaining years? There's no way you could deal with that on your plate too...

At the pool three guys stood facing the pool and seemed to be talking to it. There must be another member in the pool already. You looked about a little more and saw a teacher sitting in one of the lounge chairs reading a magazine. You looked back towards the guys. They weren't bad looking...okay scratch that they were all very good looking but you just didn't want to admit that to yourself... (>////>)

"are you lost?" a voice asked behind you effectively scaring the crap out of you and making you shriek at the top of your lungs. Which was bad because now EVERYONE knew you were standing back here!

Turning towards the voice you saw a girl about your age with red hair and eyes. You've seen her around the school before...what was her name...?

<kou? Gou? Shou??> you rattled on guessing in your mind but you really for the life of you remember her name...

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