Sam Hudson

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I'm Samuel Hudson, but call me Sam. I go to Goode High School, where I don't have many friends. Fitting in and being unnoticed is my specialty.

To be honest, I like going unnoticed. Although, this doesn't mean that sometimes, only sometimes, I don't crave for popularity.

Perseus Jackson, better known as Percy, is the most popular guy in school. I don't know why, but I have some sort of resentment against him.

It may be because of my not-so-often crave for popularity or maybe it's because he always seems a bit to cheerful while people like me are miserable. Either way, I did not like him.

His girlfriend, Annabeth Chase is the most magnificent person I've ever seen.

Beautiful honey blond curls, stunning grey eyes, and an even better personality.

Percy may be a nice guy, but he isn't nearly good enough to be with Annabeth.

I'm not saying I am good enough for her, but at least I have brains.

That dimwit is barely passing his classes, yet Annabeth is the top of the class.

I'm somewhat smart, I get mostly A's, sometimes B's.

I shook my head at the thought of dating Annabeth.

She is too perfect for this world.

I sit at home and think about Annabeth again.

Lost in my thoughts, I don't notice my sister come in.
My sister is a few years older than me and gives out great advice.

Then I got an idea.

My sister could help me win over Annabeth!

"Hey Sabrina" I start.

"Wassup little bro?" She replies, chuckling right after.

"So there's this girl I like...she's way out of my league but, I really like her." I say timidly.

"Well, if you want to win her over you have to be confident but still be yourself. You've probably heard this a lot, but if she doesn't like you for you, she's not worth liking." Sabrina replied thoughtfully, putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Just be nice to her, and then ask her out. I'm sure if she's like what you say she is, it'll all good." She smiled.

I nodded and thought of my plan to ask Annabeth out.

Today's the day I ask Annabeth out.

First I have to get rid of Percy.

I texted him and pretended to be Nico, his cousin and best fried, and said to meet him at the diner to discuss something important.

Like the idiot he is, he fell for it and left school.

This was my chance!

I approached Annabeth and put on a bright smile.

"Hey Annabeth!" I said, trying to sound cheery.

"Oh, hi Sam. What's up?"

"Well I was wondering... you're really nice and... I was hoping that you would say yes to going on a date. With me." I asked shyly as I looked down at my feet.

"Oh... you're a really nice guy Sam, but you know I'm dating Percy." She said sympathetically.

"But-but...I'm so much better than him! Just because he's popular doesn't mean you should date him! I'm smart, I like all the things you do, I'm clearly the better choice!" I yelled, rage taking over me.

I felt somewhat tap me from behind. I turned around to see black, and then I felt pain.

Perch Jackson had just heard what I said, then punched me.

How great.

"What the hell man?!" He shouted at me, clearly mad.

"I-I...I'm here to ask Annabeth on a date" I said with fake confidence.

He shook his head "she's taken dude, back off."

Percy slung his arm casually over Annabeth's shoulders and they left, Annabeth giving me one last look of disappointment.

Oh, I am definitely jealous of Perseus Jackson.

A/N: Haha. Finally an update. Wasn't going to update but I decided why not. Just know this is a story I update whenever. Last time I updated was like last year😂 but this is a one shot collection book so at least I'm not leaving you guys on any cliffhangers. Anyways, hope you enjoyed an until next time. See you ;)

Also!! Thanks for 5k reads😆😁

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