Part 2

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Her eye balls truning a deep and her iris have a birght green3 to them. As her fags show. Vains under her eyes pop out and the hungry and lust show as if at the press of a botten. The moon changed it was no longer the glow from the moon instead there is a pitch black sky with only the creatures eyes glowig in the night. A smirk crosses her face as she corners me into a tree. I get up and climb it so she culd not reach me. I stay in the tree shaking. the cerature smiles at me and shines her normal green eyes. "Aw come on are you really going to try and get away from me".

I just stay quite and look down at her waiting for her next move. "I'm getting annoyed now just get down from there i wont hurt you, well not to bad at least". I roll my eyes as she trys to lural me down there. "Im not going to get down im not some dumb bimbo". She had a look down at her and stick my toung out. then her eyes turned a gold color but instead of her fangs pop out she looks me deep in the eyes making sure that i dont lose contact. what the hell is she even doing, its creepy and it needs to stop. "You will climb out of the tree and let me have your blood then you will forget about this and go home"

. She said that as if she was trying to contol me. She had a sort of cocky look as if she got what she wanted. "Ok one what was that and two i just said im not coming down there". Her face changed as thoes words came out. She went up to the tree and pushed it. Like actually pull out of the roots and tilted it. i fell out and she pinned my arms to the back of my back. She angerky whispered in my ear i coud feel it in her tone.

"Why did my compolshon did not work on you"? I tried to look at her she looked ultimtly confused. "I dont know whatyou are talking about you idiot". I push her off of me and and make a run for it. I run and run for as long as i could. I was not close to the city or my apartment. "You know that you cant out run me right"? I turn around and there she was standing right besided me in a flash. "What are you just leave me alone". She bends don to my hight and crassed my checks."Oh sweetie i cant do that now you know my secret".

She picks me up by neck chocking me almost. She looks at my neck with almost hungry look in her eyes. "You know i could break your pretty little neck in one snap". I start to cry as i figure this is the end, but i mean what would it matter anyway no one even knows im alive."Go ahead im not scared of death i never will be". This puzzeled her she let me go and i caught my breath. "You know what,how i do you a favor i will keep you in my house and you will keep me company until i figureout how to erase your memeries". I try to object but she knocked me out before i could protest.

that was only the start

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