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What the fuck was that sound? It was like an incessant, shrill ringing and I know it can't be my alarm already. I threw my pillow across the room and cranked my eyes open to find that the offender, my new iPhone still set with the factory ringtone, had a brightly lit screen flashing an unknown number.

"Hello?" My voice was rough and muffled as I was irritable from being awoken from my deep sleep.

"Hello?" I repeated myself, after clearing my throat, only to be answered with a feminine gasp quickly followed by the dial tone.

Attempting to reign in my frustrations, I tried to go back to sleep but something about that shocked sound had me feeling uneasy. Eventually giving in, I called the number back but she didn't pick up so I left a quick voicemail.

"Hey, this is James. I have a new phone number so I'm not sure who this is. I guess, uh, give me a call back if you needed something. Thanks." Smooth, I thought, but I wasn't accustomed to getting phone calls from unknown women at two in the morning.

I tossed and turned until six, still thinking about the woman, only to finally give up and crawl out of bed.


"You look like shit man," Max, one of my roommates and closest friends, announced from across the breakfast table. His girlfriend, Lindsay, reached over and lightly smacked his arm.

"You alright James?"

"I'm fine Lindsay, thanks. I just got a weird phone call last night and couldn't sleep after."

"Phone call from who? You just got your new number," Max pointed out and I just answered with a shrug.

"What was it about?" Lindsay asked with sincerity. She had taken it upon herself to act as everyone's mother during our college experience so we wouldn't get too out of line; but in all honesty, we loved her for it.

"Nothing really. I answered and a girl gasped, I guess, and then hung up really fast." Max snorted and I shot him a look. "I know it sounds stupid but it just felt kind of off."

"Did you call her back?"

"Yeah, but she didn't answer. I couldn't sleep all night because I was worried about it." I practically felt Max's eye roll as we fake gagged over his cereal.

"You're such a sweetheart James," Lindsay said with a smile. "I'm sure she's okay but if you're worried about it then maybe reach out again in a few days." I nodded in her direction and poured myself a bowl of Cheerios while getting lost in my own thoughts.

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