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I was woken again, just after falling asleep, to Max and Lindsay performing noisy bed acrobatics and rolled my eyes.

"Shut! Up!" Kyle yelled through the thin walls and I chuckled. The cozy couple never responded but that didn't make Kyle any less tempted to make his frustration known. He was always a grump if you disturbed his sleep.

I grabbed my phone and gave in to my immediate temptation to text Lydia.

My roommate and his girlfriend woke me with their obnoxiously loud night activities - just an FYI in case I suddenly go insane.

Of course she didn't respond because it was the middle of the night so I pulled my pillow tightly over my head and fought for sleep.

I woke up feeling groggy but smelled Lindsay's famous blueberry pancakes so I tried to not be bothered that her and Max kept me up all night. Her homemade pancakes were heavenly and only served when she was trying to get us back on her good side. Since Max was basically her only downfall, I couldn't be upset with her.

"I'm not eating your blueberry-bribe pancakes," Kyle huffed at the table as soon as we both sat down. Never-the-less he started shoveling them into his mouth the second Lindsay got them on the table.

"I'm sorry guys," she started but Max interrupted per usual and pulled her onto his lap.

"Don't apologize for how awesome we are baby. They're just grouchy cuz they're jealous." Kyle and I both rolled our eyes but knew better than to push Lindsay too far. She was with Max but all of us loved her.

"So James, we heard you chatting it up with mystery girl again last night," Max mentioned, throwing me under the bus but probably trying to bring attention away from his girlfriend.

"We need to move somewhere with thicker walls." We all chuckled in agreement.


You are impatient... I'm also sorry to hear that.

I had just gotten out of the shower and almost slipped on the linoleum floor to get to my phone as fast as possible. My elbow caught the door knob sharply, causing my whole arm to go numb while the door flung open and showed everyone in the apartment what I was made of.

"Christ James!" Max smacked his hands over Lindsay's eyes and glared at me. The guys were used to seeing me naked but we were careful around her.

"Accident! Don't worry though, I'm going in my room, wouldn't want to make your girlfriend think she's with the wrong guy!"

Kyle bellowed with laughter and I think I heard Max growl. I chuckled and slammed my door with extra emphasis so he knew I'd actually retreated.

She made us pancakes to make up for it. Also, I gave you fair warning about my patience levels.

You don't seem like the type to have a temper.

I don't have a temper; I just prefer for things to get done sooner, especially if I have control of it.



Suddenly my phone rang and Lydia's name flashed across the screen. I couldn't help but smile as I rushed to throw on some jeans.

"Why hello there."

"Hey, sorry I just like talking to you better. Is that okay or are you busy?"

"This is fine. I don't have class until eleven so my morning's wide open. What was interesting about my patience?" She giggled and I was so grateful that she decided to call me instead of stupid texting.

"It's just very journalistic of you."

"Oh so you think I chose the right education path? That's great, I was really concerned and figured it was too late to switch my major." She started actually laughing and I joined her. I'm glad she could sense my sarcasm so easily.

"You definitely did dork."

"So what's on Lydia's schedule for the day? Any chance you'll be around campus between eleven and four?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

"I definitely would. Putting a face to the name would make all my dreams come true."

"Well I'll be there but you won't know it's me and I won't know it's you. That's the beauty of college, anonymity."

"Oh Ms. lit minor, big language!" She giggled but I heard her tone become serious.

"I really like taking to you James but I don't know if I'm ready to meet in person yet."

"That's fine Lydia, I was just joking around. Well that's a lie because I do want to meet you but I stand by what I said that first conversation: if you never get to that point I'm okay with it, I just want to talk to you too."

"Well how about we give each other one clue about our looks and see how that goes for today?"

"I love that plan but I must admit I am very good at investigating."

"I wouldn't doubt that Mr. Journalist. You go first."

"Hmm, let's see. I have a good one. You ready?"


"Drumroll... I have short, brown hair." Lydia laughed and I joined with a quieter chuckle.

"That's such a copout! Do you know how many people have brown hair!?"

"Less here in California than anywhere else in the continental U.S."


"No idea. Your turn, give me something good."

"Oh I'll give you something good alright. Ready?"

"As I'll ever be."

"I too have brown hair." I laughed boisterously even though I knew that was coming.

"Touché. So is that all we get for today or are we doing a bonus round?"

"Rule breaker! We can't cheat on the first day James."

"Okay, okay. I'll see your beautiful brunette head at campus then."

"See you there. Bye James."

"Bye Lydia."

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