Chapter 1

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Today is Kileys 18 birthday and she finally has the party where she is suppose to find her mate. How will she know? A werewolf during its human form has a wolfs thought in their head and would tell them if that was meant to be their mate. Every alpha from the mountain packs will be there and her father is hoping that Kileys mate will be one of them. However, there are a few obstacles that she has to go through.

"Hey Taylor." I said as I see my best friend next to her mate alpha Sam. "Hello Kiley." She says but she isn't really paying attention because she has a pup of her own to watch. Like most Taylor found her mate quit soon.

Later that night the alphas started to show up with some of their chosen pack members. "Hello Kiley." Says a really tall tan blonde guy. "My name is Luka alpha of the North Peek pack." I smile. "Nice to meet you Luka." Weird my voice hasn't said anything FUCK.

All of a sudden a gorgeous wolf walks in with brown hair and semi tall tan like literally perfect.

My voice goes crazy. 'Mate Mate Mate!' He and I lock eyes. He can feel it too. We start moving towards each other looks like tonight I did find my mate.

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